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Each financial year we present to the community a draft plan for the next 12 months highlighting what we intend to achieve. This Operational Plan is supported by the budget for that financial year and acts as Council’s road-map for the next 12 months.

The 2024/2025 plan is the final year of our overall delivery program and will be guided by outcomes from the Financial Sustainability Review that was undertaken in 2023.

During the public exhibition period we encourage the community to explore the documents and either:

  • ask a question, so we can answer you directly to help clarify any points of interest to you.
  • make a submission, we will formally respond to your submission after the public exhibition period.

We are looking at a sustainable and disciplined budget that provides for the needs of our community. Therefore, when providing feedback, we ask that you not only consider additional services you want to see, but also for you to highlight any services or actions that your ideas would replace.

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Our vision

Our vision outlines the six themes used in the Towards 2040 Community Strategic Plan. Click the below to see highlights from each of the themes.

For full details on any items click the relevant document links on this page.

Draft Document Library

  • Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan

    The document highlights our proposed plan of delivery for projects and programs across Council services facilities and assets that will be undertaken in the next financial year. The actions undertaken in this plan go towards achieving the objectives of our Community Strategic Plan.

    View draft document 
  • Draft 2024/2025 Budget and Capital Expenditure

    This document contains the draft budget for the next financial year and shows a forecast for the upcoming three years. The capital expenditure is a detailed listing of capital projects and purchases.

    View draft document 
  • Draft Resourcing Strategy

    This document contains the long-term financial plan, the workforce management strategy and the asset management strategy which all identify how Council will allocate resources to deliver the objectives in the Community Strategic Plan.

    View draft document 
  • Draft Fees and Charges

    The document shows proposed fees and charges that Council applies to the use of Council managed facilities, services and resources across the local government area.

    View draft document 
  • Statement of Revenue Policy

    The document contains seven statements that focus on the details to show how Council manages the rate pegged increase imposed by IPART for the next financial year.

    View draft document 
  • Macquarie Regional Library

    This combined document highlights the draft budget, fees and charges and operational plan for the Macquarie Regional Library. The Macquarie Regional Library consists of three member councils including Dubbo Regional Council, Warrumbungle Shire Council and Narromine Shire Council.

    Learn more 

Fact Sheets

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🗃️Our Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

Our annual planning

The Delivery Program includes strategies over a four year Councillor term. To create our Delivery Program, we asked community what we can achieve over the next four years to bring us closer to the community’s vision and priorities outlined in our Towards 2040 Community Strategic Plan.

The Operational Plan 2024/25 outlines the actions and projects that will be undertaken for each objective and identifies primary responsibilities for the next 12 months.

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan are combined in a single document to make it easier to understand, easier to read and more straightforward for our community.

The resourcing strategies support these documents and provide us with important information about our current resources and show our consideration of the staff, assets and money required to deliver the actions and projects.

The Revenue Policy outlines:

  • Rates Statement
  • Annual Charges Statement
  • Charges for Actual Use of Services Statement
  • Fees and Charges Statement
  • Statement of Proposed Borrowings
  • GST Implications
  • Interest on Overdue Rates & Charges


This is our annual operating budget, set to meet the actions and service commitments within the Operational Plan.

Fees and Charges

The Fees and Charges document outlines fees for all user-pay services, this includes various fees and charges for Council’s services and facilities. The document categorises fees and charges by the divisions of Council and is further broken down to services and facilities, for example, the Wellington Caves and Holiday Park fees, Sporting Facilities fees, Building and Development Services fees and Waste Management – Domestic and Other fees.

The Fees and Charges are adopted for the new financial year (2024/2025) and are generally applicable from 1 July.

Our resourcing and management documents

The Asset Management Strategy takes the organisational objectives in our Community Strategic Plan (CSP).

The strategy develops the asset management objectives, principles, framework and strategies required to achieve our organisational objectives.

The strategy summarises activities and expenditure projections from individual asset management strategies to achieve the asset management objectives.

The interim Workforce Management Strategy identifies how the capacity and capability of Council’s workforce will meet the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). It aims to ensure Council’s workforce has the skills, background and experience, and identifies how future staffing and skills requirements will be met. This requires having systems in place to attract, develop and support workers to help Council succeed.

The Long-term Financial Plan expresses, in financial terms, how Council’s finances will operate over the next 10 years and how Council will fund activities over the short, medium and long term to meet the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan. It aims to provide a sound basis for strategic decision making to ensure Council achieves financial sustainability.

✍Formal submission

Draft 2024/2025 Budget, Delivery Program and Operational Plan FILE24/149

Related projects

Here are some recent projects that may bring further context or relate to the 2024/2025 draft Budget and Operational Plan

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P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

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