Creating a diverse range of opportunities that have social, environmental and economic benefits for our region.
2024/2025 Budget, Delivery Program and Operational Plan, Fees and Charges and associated documents endorsed.
Thank you for contributing to the Public Exhibition for the draft 2024/2025 Budget and Operational Plan. This is the final update on this engagement activity before we close the project.
The endorsed 2024/2025 Budget, Delivery Program and Operational Plan, Fees and Charges and associated documents have come into effect on 1st July 2024.
To view our endorsed Integrated Planning and Reporting documents, click here.
Your participation in this engagement activity has helped inform Council in the decision-making process on the issues that matter to you.
2024/2025 Budget, Delivery Program and Operational Plan, Fees and Charges and associated documents endorsed.
Thank you for contributing to the Public Exhibition for the draft 2024/2025 Budget and Operational Plan. This is the final update on this engagement activity before we close the project.
The endorsed 2024/2025 Budget, Delivery Program and Operational Plan, Fees and Charges and associated documents have come into effect on 1st July 2024.
To view our endorsed Integrated Planning and Reporting documents, click here.
Your participation in this engagement activity has helped inform Council in the decision-making process on the issues that matter to you.
For an overview of results from community engagement regarding the draft 2024/2025 Budget, Fees and charges please view our engagement snapshot.
Each financial year we present to the community a draft plan for the next 12 months highlighting what we intend to achieve. This Operational Plan is supported by the budget for that financial year and acts as Council’s road-map for the next 12 months.
The 2024/2025 plan is the final year of our overall delivery program and will be guided by outcomes from the Financial Sustainability Review that was undertaken in 2023.
During the public exhibition period we encourage the community to explore the documents and either:
We are looking at a sustainable and disciplined budget that provides for the needs of our community. Therefore, when providing feedback, we ask that you not only consider additional services you want to see, but also for you to highlight any services or actions that your ideas would replace.
If you +follow this page, we will continue to keep you informed.
Our vision outlines the six themes used in the Towards 2040 Community Strategic Plan. Click the below to see highlights from each of the themes.
For full details on any items click the relevant document links on this page.
Creating a diverse range of opportunities that have social, environmental and economic benefits for our region.
Focusing on key projects that ensure services are met for the improvement of our community.
Developing partnerships to expand opportunities and encourage collaboration that benefits our community.
Making decisions to ensure we are future focused and sustainable.
Providing a broad variety of programs and services to deliver social, cultural, health and wellbeing outcomes.
Making changes to ensure we meet our net-zero targets by 2030.
The document highlights our proposed plan of delivery for projects and programs across Council services facilities and assets that will be undertaken in the next financial year. The actions undertaken in this plan go towards achieving the objectives of our Community Strategic Plan.
This document contains the draft budget for the next financial year and shows a forecast for the upcoming three years. The capital expenditure is a detailed listing of capital projects and purchases.
This document contains the long-term financial plan, the workforce management strategy and the asset management strategy which all identify how Council will allocate resources to deliver the objectives in the Community Strategic Plan.
The document shows proposed fees and charges that Council applies to the use of Council managed facilities, services and resources across the local government area.
The document contains seven statements that focus on the details to show how Council manages the rate pegged increase imposed by IPART for the next financial year.
This combined document highlights the draft budget, fees and charges and operational plan for the Macquarie Regional Library. The Macquarie Regional Library consists of three member councils including Dubbo Regional Council, Warrumbungle Shire Council and Narromine Shire Council.
Public exhibition means making documents, including draft plans, strategies, policies or development applications, available for the community to view and comment on through a formal submission.
By putting documents on exhibition, we are giving the community the chance to look at them and provide feedback before they are finalised. This feedback helps us understand if there is something we need to add or change before the plans are adopted.
Council will acknowledge your feedback by email or your contact address provided. After public the public exhibition period closing date all feedback received will be reviewed by relevant staff, the Executive Leadership Team and Council.
All feedback will be considered by Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting to be held on 27 June 2024. The community will be made aware of the outcomes of the meeting. If you provided feedback and supplied an email address or contact details for written correspondence, you will be advised if the outcomes specifically related to your submission.
Members of the public are able to address the Mayor and Councillors at Committee meetings or during Public Forum at Ordinary Council Meeting to be held Thursday 27 June 2024.
Any person wishing to address Council or Committees is to be provided with a copy of the Procedure for Addressing Council and Standing Committees. Such persons are then required to formally advise Council that they have read the Procedure and will abide by its contents.
If you are interested in speaking at a council meeting, please indicate within your submission of this intention.
For further information around Council meetings please follow the link to Councils website.
You can make a formal submission by completing the online form. We will ask some questions pertaining to your submission and so we can acknowledge your feedback and come back to you with a response to how your submission was considered and the outcome.
You can also make a manual submission but it must contain the File number 24/149 to ensure it reaches the right people.
Next financial year will commence before a new Council term, you can expect a detailed engagement program to support the newly elected body together with the community in developing the new statement of commitment to the next four years.
Our Community Engagement Strategy, including participation plan outlines what this will involve so our community can influence the next term of services and delivery.
If you have discovered the IP&R acronym, it refers to the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.
This is the overall framework that aligns all of our planning and reporting functions required by Local Government.
It demonstrates we are operating in a transparent and accountable environment. The documents represent how we are working with the community to plan for the future.
The 'Towards 2040' Community Strategic Plan is the highest strategy that guides and influences the direction of Dubbo Regional Council, the community and other levels of Government through to 2040. The Plan and associated documents have been created with ongoing and detailed community consultation.
The 'Towards 2040' Community Strategic Plan is the central component of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework under the Local Government Act 1993. It seeks to provide a blueprint for achieving the community’s vision and aspirations for the future, while being flexible and fit for purpose over the term of its life. The Community Strategic Plan must cover a minimum timeframe of 10 years.
Our key themes, are inter-related across all strategic documents. They support our objectives and your vision and aspirations for the future. These themes are:
While some themes cross over key divisions of Council most can be directly linked to responsible actions within our Executive Leadership Team's portfolios including:
We undertook a Financial Sustainability Review last year with independent consultants AEC Group. Recommendations from that report identified the need for immediate actions to ensure a financially secure future. Actions outlined in this Improvement plan can be identified within our draft planning and resourcing documents available for public exhibition.
To view the Financial Sustainability Review or the Organisational Sustainability Improvement Plan view our related projects tabs below.
The Community Insights Survey is a tool we undertake to measure satisfaction within the community and their perceptions on how they believe Council is tracking against the services, programs and works we have committed to achieving through these documents.
The biennial survey provides insights for Council to re-adjust priorities, identify opportunities or address areas of concern. Previously it was named the Community Needs and Satisfaction Survey, we have given it a new name this year along with some new questions to address our community's changing expectations.
Before you make a formal submission, send us a quick question for clarification or for more context.
To ask a question you must create an account or log in.
These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.
Dubbo Regional Council
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Category: {{ question.category }}
The Delivery Program includes strategies over a four year Councillor term. To create our Delivery Program, we asked community what we can achieve over the next four years to bring us closer to the community’s vision and priorities outlined in our Towards 2040 Community Strategic Plan.
The Operational Plan 2024/25 outlines the actions and projects that will be undertaken for each objective and identifies primary responsibilities for the next 12 months.
The Delivery Program and Operational Plan are combined in a single document to make it easier to understand, easier to read and more straightforward for our community.
The resourcing strategies support these documents and provide us with important information about our current resources and show our consideration of the staff, assets and money required to deliver the actions and projects.
The Revenue Policy outlines:
This is our annual operating budget, set to meet the actions and service commitments within the Operational Plan.
Fees and Charges
The Fees and Charges document outlines fees for all user-pay services, this includes various fees and charges for Council’s services and facilities. The document categorises fees and charges by the divisions of Council and is further broken down to services and facilities, for example, the Wellington Caves and Holiday Park fees, Sporting Facilities fees, Building and Development Services fees and Waste Management – Domestic and Other fees.
The Fees and Charges are adopted for the new financial year (2024/2025) and are generally applicable from 1 July.
The Asset Management Strategy takes the organisational objectives in our Community Strategic Plan (CSP).
The strategy develops the asset management objectives, principles, framework and strategies required to achieve our organisational objectives.
The strategy summarises activities and expenditure projections from individual asset management strategies to achieve the asset management objectives.
The interim Workforce Management Strategy identifies how the capacity and capability of Council’s workforce will meet the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). It aims to ensure Council’s workforce has the skills, background and experience, and identifies how future staffing and skills requirements will be met. This requires having systems in place to attract, develop and support workers to help Council succeed.
The Long-term Financial Plan expresses, in financial terms, how Council’s finances will operate over the next 10 years and how Council will fund activities over the short, medium and long term to meet the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan. It aims to provide a sound basis for strategic decision making to ensure Council achieves financial sustainability.
Draft 2024/2025 Budget, Delivery Program and Operational Plan FILE24/149
Here is a quick glance at what we have set out to achieve.
RESEARCH AVAILABLE | The 2024 Community Insights Survey results are in. To review the engagement program and results view this page to learn more.
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COMPLETED | Council have engaged an independent consultant to review financial performance and report on recommendations to support a financially sustainable future.
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The draft 2023/2024 Budget, Operational Plan, Fees and Charges and associated documents have now closed for public exhibition, with Council to adopt for July 2023.
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STAY INFORMED | Council is planning to establish a fenced Leash-Free Area in Wellington. Consultation has now closed, and the results are being reviewed for Council.
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GET INVOLVED | Ensure your voice is heard on housing issues as we host consultation activities to inform the development of Housing Strategies for our region.
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STAY INFORMED I Residents within the Southeast area of Dubbo are encouraged to engage with Council on infrastructure projects designed to accommodate future growth.
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WELLINGTON | The temporary road closures along Saxa Rd to accommodate the construction of the Comobella bridge. The Bridge is proposed for completion in early 2025
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Burrendong Way has been undergoing a series of infrastructure upgrades since 2020. We would like to share with community its progress and proposed stages for delivery.
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STAY INFORMED | Dubbo Regional Council is replacing the existing wooden Molong Street Bridge with a new concrete structure.
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Stay Informed | Scheduled reconstruction of the existing wooden Burrendong Bridge No. 1 is underway. Detours will be in place, with an estimated completion by early 2025.
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STAY INFORMED | Construction of a new collector road and associated infrastructure to support urban growth and planning within the North-West development of Dubbo.
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Dubbo Regional Council is updating the 2016 PAMP and Bike Plan and the 2014 Wellington PAMP to reflect strategic priorities and community consultation outcomes.
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The Macquarie River Foreshore Event Precinct is proposed to deliver a multifaceted precinct for local events, large national concerts and recreational activities.
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STAY INFORMED | This is your opportunity to contribute to the development of the events strategy for your local community.
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GET INVOLVED | Council is commencing early investigations on the proposed LGA Boundary Realignment of North Yeoval from Dubbo Regional Council to Cabonne Shire Council.
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The Department of Planning and Environment is running a program to improve the management of urban heat.
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Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets strategic improvements project is underway, follow this page to ensure you remain up to date and informed as these projects progress.
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Contributions to this engagement have closed for evaluation and review. You can 'Follow' the page if you'd like to receive future updates.
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STAY INFORMED | Construction of the new Dubbo City Animal Shelter is underway, with proposed completion by April 2025.
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GET INVOLVED | Consultation has commenced to guide future planning and management of our cemeteries. Complete the survey or visit a consultation event to have your say!
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GET INVOLVED | Your feedback will guide our planning for the next five years. Contribute to our consultation activities and survey to influence our delivery of services.
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Wellington have a number of capital works projects being undertaken proceeding major flood events in 2021/2022. $1.8M towards the renewal & restoration of infrastructure.
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STAY INFORMED | Lighting upgrades will significantly enhance Cameron Park with cost-effective lighting for overall community safety and visual appeal.
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PROJECT COMPLETE | The lighting project is valued at $683,206 for six additional fields to be lit funded by NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 4
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Keep up to date and have your say about the future of our community.
Phone | (02) 6801 4000 |
Website | www.dubbo.nsw.gov.au |
In writing | P.O. Box 81 |
We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners of the lands where we work as well as across the lands we travel through.
We also acknowledge our Elders past, present and emerging.
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