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The construction of the River Street West Road will support the growth of the North-West Dubbo Residential Urban Release Area and construction of a new bridge currently being undertaken by the NSW Government.

The road will create connectivity through open spaces, transport, housing and business and support surrounding residential areas, Macquarie River, CBD and Dubbo Regional Airport through strategic design.

The River Street West Project works will include the creation and construction of:

  • a new public road corridor (road opening);
  • a new collector road;
  • two new roundabouts;
  • a new intersection with the Newell Highway, at the installation of stormwater trunk mains;
  • shared footpaths and landscaping, installation of utilities and other public services.

Works for stage 1 will start at the intersection of the Newell Highway at River Street and extend West to the intersection with Bunglegumbie Road, for a total distance of 0.931 kilometres.

Construction works are expected to start in late 2024 with a planned opening in late-2026.

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This project involves the delivery of a new road, River Street West, which is funded under the NSW Accelerated Infrastructure Fund Round 3 program.

The project plan has been prepared by Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Team who will manage the procurement and construction of the road in consultation with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

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Projects related to the River Street West Stage 1

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