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We are looking towards the next 12 months as part of the 2024/2025 Delivery Program and Operational Plan. The draft budget and operational plan set out the services, programs and events the Macquarie Regional Library aim to achieve.

Community feedback about the proposed budget, fees and charges and operational plan for the Macquarie Regional Library will open for public exhibition until 9am, Monday 3 June 2024.

During the public exhibition period, we encourage the community to explore the documents and either

  • ask a question, so we can answer you directly to help clarify any points of interest you make
  • make a submission; we will formally respond to your submission after the public exhibition period.

Make a submission

We invite you to provide feedback on the draft 2024/2025 MRL Budget, Fees and Charges, Delivery and Operational Plan

Provide a short summary of your question.

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Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

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Strategy Partnerships & Engagement

Dubbo Regional Council

{{ question.username }} asked


{{ }}
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Provide the answer to the question. Answer can be saved as draft and published when complete.

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