
In the draft 2024/2025 budget, delivery program and operational plan we are proposing to take a future focused and sustainable approach.

As part of our planning, we take into consideration the needs and expectations of our community and aim to invest and deliver in programs and services that will benefit our region into the future.

We are committed to fostering a culture of continuous improvement across all areas of council as well as the delivering services both effectively and efficiently.

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Renewals and investment

  • Council proposes to invest $286,000 to renew 80 CCTV cameras over 27 locations in Dubbo and Wellington CBDs.
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What we are doing

  • Expand online services including tipping vouchers and bulky rubbish service delivery.
  • Undertake actions from the Service Review Program, which considers efficiencies and services throughout the organisation. For example we are currently working on the creation of the Cemeteries development dashboard which will provide funeral directors and the community with easy to access information on Council facilitated cemeteries in our region.
  • Analyse findings from Community Insight Survey which ran during March 2024 to assist with future planning for the delivery plan and operational plan.
  • Continue to action recommendations from the Independent Financial Sustainability Review completed in 2023.
  • Undertake actions identified in the Organisational Sustainability and Improvement Plan.
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Who we are collaborating with

  • Working with stakeholders around Voluntary Planning Agreements to make sure we are capturing funds to assist with future planning and growth for our community. This includes projects such as the Central West Renewable Energy Zone (CWREZ) and other renewable projects.
  • Working with industry and government representatives to assist with a whole of government approach to the delivery of the Renewable Energy Zone.
  • Narromine Shire Council to co-develop a Drought Resilience Plan for the Central Orana Region which will highlight ways to improve outcomes in times of drought and provide a list of actions to build resilience specific to the region.

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