
Our local government area includes a variety of housing types, densities, locations and price points. In this draft budget and Operational Delivery Plan we will continue to create a range of opportunities that have social, economic and environmental benefits for our region.

The budget and associated plans highlight investment in areas that will assist with long term traffic flow while also developing master plans that respond to the needs of the city, towns and villages within our region.

Icon - capital work

Renewals and investment

  • Construction of the North-West Collector Road for the Northwest Subdivision | $4.5M
  • North-West Intersection construction | $10.3M * Funding opportunities are being investigated
  • Construction of the Cobra Street Crossing, Keswick | $650K
Icon service

What we are doing

  • Development of a master plan for vacant Keswick Estate land.
  • Undertake recommendations made during the service review on the sub-division process for Development Approvals.
  • Partnering with relevant agencies to ensure short-term worker accommodation challenges are assessed and addressed in all major projects as per the recommendations from the Short Term Accommodation research paper.
Icon partnership

Who we are collaborating with

  • Collaborating with NSW Government and Industry for the continuation of development control plans and future master plans to ensure we respond to the needs of community into the future.
  • Collaborating with the Real Estate industry to develop a research paper to consider ways to establish affordable housing and host a Real Estate Regional Housing Panel.
  • Working with developers to undertake actions in the Central West Residential Urban Release Master Plan.
  • Working with contractors to develop the Keswick Master Plan and the Montefiores Structure Plan and Servicing Strategy to ensure the right decisions are made for the community.

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