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Housing choice, affordability and availability are of great importance to our community, as housing is a fundamental human need and contributes to individuals' sense of place and belonging.

Council has been successful in receiving a grant under the Australian Government’s Housing Support Program - Stream 1.

This grant will allow Council to establish a modern strategic framework to manage housing growth and change to meet the long-term needs of our community. This will involve analysing demographic trends, housing supply and demand dynamics, various housing types, land use opportunities, and potential challenges to ensure that new housing will enhance our region's valued character and liveability.

Key components of the project include a Regional housing strategy, Large lot residential strategy, Affordable housing policy, and Character statements for villages. Each component will undergo a detailed engagement program to help us identify the needs of our community.

Council encourages community members to register their interest to participate in future stakeholder consultation sessions, and to share their ideas.


These key components will address strategic outcomes for residential, housing and transportation models.
  • Regional housing strategy

    A Regional Housing Strategy will be prepared in accordance with the NSW Government Local Housing Strategy Guidelines that incorporates a review and update of the Dubbo Urban Areas Strategy (1995) and Wellington Settlement Strategy (2012) to identify how and where the region will grow to support future population.

  • R5 large lot strategy

    This will involve a review of the existing supply of R5 Large Lot Residential zoned land in terms of location and minimum lot size area, and identify other areas within the Local Government Area that may be suitable to zone R5 Large Lot Residential with an appropriate minimum lot size control.

  • Affordable housing policy

    This involves identifying Council’s role and options for incentivising an increase in social and affordable housing in the region, and partnerships required.

  • Villages place plans

    Statements will broadly identify future directions and potential for growth, the vision and desired future character for Eumungerie, Mogriguy, Brocklehurst, Wongarbon, Geurie, Mumbil, Stuart Town, Euchareena, Ballimore and Elong Elong

✍Take our survey

Housing Insights Survey

Contribute to our Housing Insights Survey before 9am, Monday 6 January 2025.

📆Community consultation events

We have over 15 consultation events planned across Dubbo, Wellington and surrounding villages in November and December. Once dates and locations are confirmed we will update the details here.

Make sure you +follow the page to be notified of events.

  • R5 Large Lot Residential Session - Online

    Wednesday 11 December 5:30-7pm

    Microsoft Teams Details

    Meeting ID: 484 990 155 477

    Passcode: CQ3FJ7P7

    We recommend you copy the Microsoft Team link, ID and Passcode into your calendar.

    Completed. Thankyou for attending!
  • ​General Community Session - Online

    Monday 9 December 5:30-7pm

    Microsoft Teams

    Meeting ID: 431 552 282 846

    Passcode: Ar7sZ2MN

    We recommend you copy the Microsoft Team link, Id and Passcode into your calendar.

    Completed. Thankyou for attending!
  • Dubbo Community Consultation

    Wednesday 30 October 2024

    10am to 11:30am

    Western Plains Cultural Centre: 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo

    All Community invited!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Dubbo Community Consultation

    Wednesday 30 October 2024

    3pm to 4pm

    Western Plains Cultural Centre: 76 Wingerwarra Street, Dubbo

    Community invited to walk-in session!

    No RSVP required

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Wellington Community Consultation

    Thursday 31 October 2024

    10am to 11:30am

    Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centre: Warne Street, Wellington

    All Community invited!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Wellington Community Consultation

    Thursday 31 October 2024

    3pm to 4pm

    Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centre: Warne Street, Wellington

    Community invited to walk-in session!

    No RSVP required!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Dubbo Community Consultation

    Friday 1 November 2024

    1pm to 2:30pm

    Western Plains Cultural Centre: 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo

    All Community invited!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Brocklehurst Community Consultation

    Friday 1 November 2024

    4:30pm to 6pm

    Western Plains Cultural Centre:76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo

    All Brocklehurst Residents invited!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Wongarbon & Geurie Community Consultation

    Monday 11 November 2024

    5:30pm to 7:00pm

    Wongarbon Hall, Wongarbon

    All Wongarbon and Geurie Residents invited!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Eumungerie & Mogriguy Community Consultation

    Tuesday 12 November 2024

    5:30pm to 7pm

    Eumungerie Hall, Eumungerie

    All Eumungerie & Mogriguy Residents invited!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Stuart Town & Mumbil Community Consultation

    Wednesday 13 November 2024

    5:30 to 7pm

    Stuart Town Hall, Stuart Town

    All Stuart Town & Mumbil Residents invited!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!

🗣️Stakeholder engagement sessions

  • R5 Large Lot Residential Session - Online

    Wednesday 11 December 5:30-7pm

    Microsoft Teams

    Meeting ID: 484 990 155 477

    Passcode: CQ3FJ7P7

    We recommend you copy the Microsoft Team link, Id and Passcode into your calendar.

    Completed. Thankyou for attending!
  • Mayoral Developers Forum

    Wednesday 30 October 2024

    5:30pm to 7pm

    Western Plains Cultural Centre: 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo

    We will be presenting to the Mayoral Developers Forum in Dubbo, to gain insights and feedback from key stakeholders in the building and development sector.

    Completed. Thank you for attending!

  • Town & Villages Committees

    Thursday 31 October 2024

    4:30pm to 6pm

    Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centre: Warne Street, Wellington

    Members from our Village and Town committees will be invited to share their thoughts and aspirations towards the development of the 2025-2029 Delivery Program.

    Invite only

    Completed. Thank you for attending!

  • Dubbo Real Estate and Property

    Monday 11 November 2024

    9:00am to 10:30am

    Western Plains Cultural Centre: 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo

    Real estate and property stakeholders will be invited to share their thoughts and ideas about housing.

    Whilst this is a target session, community are welcome to attend!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Dubbo Social and Affordable Housing

    Monday 11 November 2024

    1:30pm to 3:00pm

    Western Plains Cultural Centre: 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo

    We will be presenting to the social and affordable housing sector to gain insights into the housing sector.

    Whilst this is a targeted session, community are welcome to attend.

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Dubbo Property & Land Developers

    Tuesday 12 November 2024

    9:00am to 10:30am

    Western Plains Cultural Centre: 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo

    We will be presenting to developers to gain insights and feedback from these key stakeholders in the building and development sector.

    Whilst this is a targeted session, community are welcome to attend.

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Residential Zoning

    Tuesday 12 November 2024

    11:30am to 1pm

    Western Plains Cultural Centre: 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo

    R5 large lot residential stakeholders are invited to take part in conversations about housing to gain insights.

    Whilst this is a targeted session, community are welcome to attend.

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Wellington Social and Affordable Housing

    Wednesday 13 November 2024

    11:30am to 1pm

    Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centre: Warne Street, Wellington

    We will be presenting to the social and affordable housing sector to gain insights into the housing sector.

    Whilst this is a targeted session, community are welcome to attend.

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Wellington Real Estate and Property

    Wednesday 13 November 2024

    1:30pm to 3pm

    Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centre: Warne Street, Wellington

    Real estate and property stakeholders will be invited to share their thoughts and ideas about housing.

    Whilst this is a target session, community are welcome to attend!

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • R5 Large Lot Residential

    Thursday 28 November 2024

    1:30pm – 3pm

    Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centre: Warne Street, Wellington

    R5 large lot residential stakeholders are invited to take part in conversations about housing to gain insights.

    Whilst this is a targeted session, community are welcome to attend.

    Completed. Thank you for attending!
  • Multicultural Perspectives

    Friday 29 November 2024

    9am – 10:30am

    Western Plains Cultural Centre - Auditorium, 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo

    Multicultural stakeholders are invited to participate in discussions on housing to provide valuable insights.

    Whilst this is a targeted session, community are welcome to attend.

    Completed. Thank you for attending!

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Contact Us

Contact Information
Phone (02) 6801 4000
In writing

P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

Social Media