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Ordinary Council Meeting, CCL24/86 Organisational Sustainability Improvement Plan to Wednesday 24 April 2024

View the draft Organisational Sustainability Improvement Plan and +follow for public exhibition details and Council outcomes.

Outcomes of the November Ordinary Council Meeting to Thursday 23 November 2023

The report regarding the Financial Sustainability Review was further discussed with Councillors resolving;

  • That consideration of a Special Rate Variation application to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal NSW (IPART) be deferred until 2025/2026.
  • That Council develop an Organisational Sustainability Review and Improvement Plan, as part of the development of the 2024/2025 Operational Plan and Budget process.
  • As part of the review Councillors called for the CEO to provide a report to the March 2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council outlining the differences in staff levels between Dubbo Regional Council currently and the number of staff employed by the combined former Dubbo City Council and Wellington Shire Council on day one of the Council amalgamation.

Outcomes of the November Standing Committees to Thursday 9 November 2023

“Councillors met at 5.30pm on 9 November for the Dubbo Regional Council Standing Committees meetings. Outcomes from the standing committees will be taken to the Ordinary Council meeting on 23 November for consideration and adoption.

Councillors determined that considerations of a Special Rate Variation application to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal NSW (IPART) be deferred until 2025/2026. An engagement program with the community will now be undertaken in 2024. Follow this page to be kept up to date.” Click here to read the AEC Draft report – Dubbo Regional Council Financial Sustainability Review 2023.


Financial sustainability is a key challenge facing Council due to several factors including increased demand for services beyond those traditionally provided, cost shifting from other levels of government, ageing infrastructure, constraints on increasing revenue and risk of reliance on external funding sources.

As part of adopting the operational plan and forward budget at its meeting 22 June 2023 Council resolved:

That Council undertake a community engagement and education program regarding Council’s financial position and the potential for a special rate variation to Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

To inform this program and any potential future decision making Council have engaged an independent consultant AEC Group Pty Ltd (AEC) to review financial performance, engage with staff and Councillors and develop a final report of recommendations towards securing a financially sustainable future.

AEC recommendations report will be modelled to achieve the below outcomes.

  • Operational and service level reductions, with no special rate variation
  • Current or increased service delivery and asset renewal with special rate variation

Following the presentation of AEC's independent report to Council, the community will be informed of the findings and consulted on options that may include:

a. No special rate variation and the related need to reduce operational costs with identified reduction in service levels and impact on addressing asset renewal needs.

b. A special rate variation that addresses current service delivery and asset renewal needs.

c. A special rate variation to increase service levels in areas identified by the community.

Independant consultants will support Council across the following key stages:

  • Financial Sustainability Review

    Council is committed to ensuring long term financial stability to provide the services required by the community and maintain assets so they remain fit for purpose.

  • Options and Modelling

    Council will take a holistic approach to maximise integration between strategic planning, long term financial planning and delivering on community expectations.

  • Community Participation

    Recommendations will be made available to the community for participation. Consultation and engagement activities will be undertaken to support educating the community on any proposed options. Community will have the opportunity to have Your Say.

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