
The Dubbo Region has a healthy and natural environment that can be attributed to the plans we have put in place and those that are being developed. These plans allow us to make the region more resilient to the impacts of climate change and natural hazards.

Our key priority in this year’s draft 2024/2025 budget, delivery plan and operational plan is to ensure we meet our net-zero targets by 2030. By meeting these targets, we are helping make our region a more sustainable and inviting place to live into the future.

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Renewals and investment

  • Landfill Rehabilitation works at the Wellington Waste Transfer Station | $500K
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What we are doing

  • Working with community to educate about reducing our landfill through recycling schemes currently available including battery, textile, solar and polystyrene.
  • Target Council’s top five energy consumption facilities to prioritise efficiency across our operations.
  • Developing and adopting Greening strategies for Dubbo and Wellington, which includes focusing on tree canopy covers for the areas.
  • Looking at opportunities to replace fleet vehicles with electric or hybrid options as suitable in line with Council’s Fleet Strategy.
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Who we are collaborating with

  • Working with industry to action the framework outlined in the Net Zero Strategy to meet targets by 2030.
  • Working with industry partners to implement and operate ongoing recycling schemes such as polystyrene, textile and solar panel recycling.
  • With neighbouring councils Narromine Shire Council and Mid-Western Regional Council to assist with the education of our community in diverting waste from landfill.

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Dubbo Regional Council

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