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Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.


The Wellington Leash Free area project aims to establish a designated and fenced off leash area for dogs in Wellington. Installation will be planned for the 2024/2025 financial year and our community consultation aims to identify the preferred location in Wellington for this to be delivered.

Potential sites were analysed for their suitability across various locations, we have marked on the map below all locations considered and the potential risks or benefits associated with the installation of a fenced leash free area 50m x 110 meters in size.

The preferred location we want to explore with residents of Wellington is Apex Park, but further insights and feedback will be considered before final decisions are made.

We encourage you to review our map pins below to understand the risks and considerations at each location before either:

  1. taking our quick poll or
  2. completing the feedback survey to share further insights.

These activities will be open for feedback until 9am, Monday 2 December 2024

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Dubbo NSW 2830

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