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Council are working with key stakeholders to create a cemetery management framework that aligns with legislation and promotes sustainable cemetery options for our community. Our aim is to consult and obtain feedback from the community to guide the development and implementation of processes, policies and aspirational plans.

Our community engagement will foster a deeper appreciation and awareness of cemeteries as public spaces that interconnect history, culture, worship and the emotions of grief and celebration. Our intent is to shape a future where our cemetery management reflects the shared values of diverse communities within the region.

  • Cemetery process review

    Completed: New approach and process underway.
  • Cemetery management policy

    Underway: Consultation & draft policy.
  • Cemetery master planning

    Commencing: Early 2025.

The review involved consultation with funeral homes to gain valuable insights and to ensure changes remain in-line with legislative requirements.

To improve efficiency and accountability, the following initiatives are planned:

  • Accurate and live data register of approximately 36,000 plots across the Dubbo region. The dashboard will also be updated later in 2025 to feature a live data registry of plots across the Dubbo Region and mapping software to assist with cemetery record searches.
  • Online mapping software to assist with cemetery record searches and reserving available plots.
  • DRC&ME cemetery dashboard enabling public access to services via online applications and interment booking calendars.

DRC&ME dashboard launched on 1 July 2024

The draft policy will detail how Council proposes to sustainably manage, maintain and operate Council's public cemeteries while ensuring compliance with current legislation.

This will involve:

  • Community engagement
  • Draft policy development
  • Public exhibition
  • Council adopt policy.


Each Masterplan will outline the future expansion and lifespan of the two most utilised Council managed cemeteries into a practical long-term vision, which Identifies and prioritises short and long term needs for the New Dubbo Cemetery and Wellington Lawn Cemetery.

It will draw from learnings from industry research, consideration of other successful cemetery operators throughout Australia and importantly our community feedback to ensure sustainability of cemeteries in the region.

Details to come

Give your feedback

The Cemetery feedback survey was open from 28 October to 9 December 2024. This survey is now closed.

Open question

Glenn Neill asked

Answered question

jodesonline asked

I have a number of relatives in the new and old part of the wellington cemetery and would like to have the opportunity to renew the fees for their sites. how can I do that to ensure they are not disturbed?

Engagement & Customer Insights Team
Replied | Edited

Thanks @Jodesonline,

When a burial plot is purchased, an “exclusive right of interment” is issued. This means that the holder has permission to utilise that specific burial spot and the authority to decide who can be buried on that site. The exclusive right of interment is not something that needs to be renewed.

If you have specific questions about your relatives burial spots or wish to explore burial options for your relatives sites, we encourage you to speak with our Customer Experience team regarding Cemeteries support on (02)6801 4000 or visit our website Cemeteries - Dubbo Regional Council to learn more about burial and interment services.

We hope this helps you understand your relatives rights within Wellington Cemetery.

Contact Us

Contact Information
Phone (02) 6801 4000
In writing

P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

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