
We continue to strive for well-maintained, fit for purpose infrastructure network that assists growth within our region. This network includes 2,876km of sealed and unsealed roads that allows safe, convenient and comfortable pedestrian and vehicle traffic flow.

For the next 12 months it is proposed that the draft 2024/2025 budget, delivery program and operation plan focus on key projects that ensure services are met while also allowing our community to grow and cater for our future.

We are looking at investment that is needed to renew and upgrade key infrastructure which will assist the increase in population and the development of our region for the future.

Icon - capital work

Renewals and investment

  • Bridge improvements with works including:
    • Burrendong Bridge no 1 | $1.64M*
    • Molong Street Bridge Stuart Town | $1.22M*
    • Comobella Bridge Saxa Road | $3.25M

All bridge improvements are funded by the Federal Government.

  • Water Treatment Plant upgrades including:
    • Geurie Water Treatment Plant | $1M
    • Filter Upgrade John Gilbert Water Treatment Plant | $800K
    • Mumbil Water Treatment Plant | $50K
  • Asset renewals at Dubbo Regional Aquatic Leisure Centres $850K with works including:
    • Dubbo Aquatic Leisure Centre refurbishment, upgrade to 50m pool and water slide plant room
  • Geurie Pool reticulation system | $25K
  • Victoria Park Toilet Facilities | $400K*
  • Net stage of the Cameron Park Lighting project | $65K
  • Roads construction and reconstruction including:
    • Benolong Road Stage 3 | $1.35M
    • Saxa Road (Maryvale to Bakers Lane) | $2.21M
    • Arthurville Road (1.14km from Terrabella Road intersection) | $800K
    • Oxley Avenue, Wellington | $96K
    • Glasson Street, Wellington (Simpson to Thornton Street) | $96K
    • Tamworth Street Roundabout | $434K
    • Blueridge Link Road Stage 1 | $3M
    • North-West Collector Road (North-west urban release area) |$4.5M
    • Newell Highway and River Street Intersection | $10.3M
  • Paved footpaths renewal $412.5K
    • Gipps Street (Wingewarra to Bultje ) | $227K
    • Brisbane Street (Reakes to Mitchell) | $185K

*Fully or partially grant funded capital works

Icon service

What we are doing

  • Move forward with the Blueridge Business Park Road and Haulage Strategy.
  • Continuation of the business case and feasibility analysis for addition southern bridge crossing of the river in Dubbo.
  • Construct a temporary pedestrian bridge crossing at Duke of Wellington Bridge in Wellington.
  • Complete the Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan which will continue to provide improvements for the management of the water supply in our region.
Icon partnership

Who we are collaborating with

  • Collaborating with renewable energy proponents for planning agreements.
  • Collaborating with the NSW Government, Mid-Western Regional and Warrumbungle Shire Councils and Energy Co as part of the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone Steering Committee.

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