Our vision
Share with us your vision of a safe and connected community. To help inform the why of our plan.
This activity closed Tuesday 25 June 2024.
To view the draft plan, we encourage you to download it by clicking the button below.
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft plan.
The Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan is a proactive approach to support community wellbeing and safety. It will identify a number of areas that require resources, initiatives and collaboration.
The plan will create partnerships that involve the community, police, government and business on the priority areas and actions unique to our region. We know our approach must be coordinated and inclusive to reduce the incidence of crime, address priority issues concerning crime and personal safety, and improve the safety of our community and importantly will define the role Council will play.
Council have resolved to develop a Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan, you can guide the development of the Plan in the following ways:
Use any of the three feedback tools below to tell us what areas you believe we should focus on or come see us at one of our pop-up community safety events across Dubbo and Wellington.
Once developed the plan will be our roadmap for improving the quality of life for our residents and ensuring our region is a safe place to live, work and play.
Understand what we have in place to support community inclusivity, safety and wellbeing.
Our Engagement program involves a range of internal and external stakeholders.
Stakeholders (external) include support agencies, community groups and local service providers. Earlier this year we undertook some workshops to understand their priorities and challenges for crime prevention which included key themes of;
Stakeholders (internal) within Council we have engaged with various teams and services to understand impact and scale regarding the development of this action plan.
Community committees such as our Social Justice Advisory Committee have also been consulted as the program progresses.
We have a number of opportunities for community to have their say during the Consultation phase including;
Once we have developed our draft action plan we will host a public exhibition period where all of community can provide feedback.
Community members may also express their interest in the Reference Group, to learn more about the terms of reference please visit.
Council lays a crucial role in improving the health and safety of our community.
When it comes to the role we play in crime prevention and community safety Council is responsible for creating public places where people can live healthy, active lives and participate in the community while feeling safe.
Under Council’s 2024 Community Strategic Plan Council aims to improve the health and safety and support the lifestyle and social needs of our community.
The aim of crime prevention is to make crime harder to commit and reduce criminal behaviour by changing the social conditions which lead to such behaviour.
Community safety is about helping our residents to be and to feel safe. It is important that you feel safe where you live, work or spend your leisure time regardless of your background and circumstances.
Council’s involvement in community safety and crime prevention initiatives is in partnership wit police and other government and non-government organisation. Initiatives that Council works on includes:
Everyone has a role to play when it comes to Community Safety. For members of our community, including businesses and community groups, some of the simple actions include:
When you see something concerning, report it to the relevant authority, even if you only have a few details.
Report damage of Council assets including parks, public toilets and lights to Dubbo Regional Council so they can be assessed and repaired.
Engage in discussions and programs aimed at achieving community safety.
Council is not the enforcement authority when it comes to criminal behaviour. Council also does not have the authority to investigate, apprehend or reprimand those who have committed a crime.
If you require assistance in a matter please contact Police on 131 444 or in an emergency dial 000 (Triple Zero).
If you have been a victim of crime, or seen a criminal act taking place, please contact CrimeStoppers or your local police.
In an emergency dial 000 (Triple Zero), for police assistance dial 131 444 or to report a scam visit www.scamwatch.gov.au.
Council’s aim when it comes to crime prevention is to make it harder for a crime to be committed and reduce criminal behaviour by changing the social conditions which lead to such behaviour.
To do this Council increases awareness of crime risk and prevention strategies; encourages community involvement, identifies problems in public areas and coordinates multifaceted prevention efforts.
Everyone has the ability to reduce the prevention of crime in our community by undertaking some simple preventative measures.
To ask a question you must create an account or log in.
These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.
Strategic Partnerships & Engagement
Community Culture & Places
{{ question.username }} asked
| Question asked to {{ question.respondent.name }}
Category: {{ question.category }}
Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.
Share with us your vision of a safe and connected community. To help inform the why of our plan.
This activity closed Tuesday 25 June 2024.
Take a quick survey to provide your view on how we are proposing to support community safety and the role Council will play.
This activity closed Tuesday 25 June 2024.
With a drop of a pin, you can highlight on our regional map what public spaces concern you. Directly identify where you feel unsafe within the community.
This activity closed Monday 22 July 2024.
Keep up to date and have your say about the future of our community.
Phone | (02) 6801 4000 |
Website | www.dubbo.nsw.gov.au |
In writing | P.O. Box 81 |
We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners of the lands where we work as well as across the lands we travel through.
We also acknowledge our Elders past, present and emerging.
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