
We are responsible for 1158 recreation and open space assets in the region, including sporting facilities, parks and reserves and aquatic facilities, which we are committed to keeping up-to-date for our community.

This year’s draft 2024/2025 budget, delivery program and operational plan focuses heavily on renewals and investment into our current buildings and assets so we can continue to provide a broad variety of services to deliver social, cultural, health and wellbeing outcomes.

Through collaboration with a range of groups including sporting councils, art and cultural groups and government agencies we are able to provide buildings and assets that make our - region vibrant and safe.

Icon - capital work

Renewals and investment

  • Irrigation infrastructure renewal for John McGrath Fields, Victora Park No2 and No3 Ovals
  • A public announcement system upgrade at Lady Cutler Sporting Ovals
  • Signage improvements across our public and open spaces | $100K
  • Upgrade to the Wellington Civic Centre main switchboard | 40K
  • Leash Free area in Wellington | $15K
  • Recreation structure renewal:
    • Elston Park Water Park Design and Decommission | $250K
    • Mumbil playground shade sail | $13K
    • Tom Culkin Oval shade sail | $13K
    • Softfall ground replacement at the Arboretum near Orana Mall | $15K
    • Lions Park West Playground | $125K
    • Spears Park shade sail | $15K
    • Victoria Park Skate Park irrigation | $28K
    • Riverbank Park North Fitness Centre (behind Riverdale) | $60K

Consultation on Cameron Park amenities

  • Ordinary Council Meeting 24 April 2024
    • CCL24/91 | Council determine that the identified options for additional toilets in Cameron Park be put to the community as part of the Draft Budget and Operational Plan consultation process.

*Noting that there are 9 public toilets in total at the Cameron Park playground, Visitor Information Centre and Wellington Library which are open for public use at varying hours.

Icon service

What we are doing

  • Our Service Review Program into Council assets is continuing with a look at how buildings and assets are contributing to the community.
  • A Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan is being developed in conjunction with associated stakeholders.
  • Continue to offer grants to support events to deliver outcomes for our community.
  • A Youth Strategy will be developed in conjunction with the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan.
Icon partnership

Who we are collaborating with

  • Arts and cultural industry and Community on actions outlined in the SPARC Plan.
  • Sporting clubs and associations through the Dubbo Region Sports Council to further develop and grow sporting opportunities and investments into sport across the region.
  • Government agencies, community groups, businesses, and social services on the Community Crime and Safety Prevention Plan.
  • Non-government organisations to deliver social wellbeing outcomes.

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