
The strong and diverse economy in the Dubbo Region provides opportunities for businesses and their employees.

During the draft 2024/2025 budget, delivery program and operational Plan we aim to continue to develop partnerships to provide opportunities that benefits our community.

We are excited to announce that work will begin on the grant funded Old Dubbo Gaol Heritage Plaza and Event Precinct in Dubbo. We will also continue to focus on attracting new businesses and employees through workforce programs and welcoming new residents to the region.

Icon - capital work

Renewals and investment

  • Workforce Attraction and New Resident Program | $78K
  • Construction will start at the Event Precinct *grant funded.
  • Construction will start at the Old Dubbo Gaol Heritage Plaza *grant funded.
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What we are doing

  • Creating opportunities for business from the sustainability sector to create a business location that will benefit from the Renewable Energy Zone.
  • Continue to maintain and promote Dubbo Skills, an online platform that captures and attracts talent and skills to the region and showcase the Dubbo Region at Jobs Expos in Sydney and Canberra.
  • Undertaking tourism marketing activities to attract visitors to the region.
Icon partnership

Who we are collaborating with

  • Taronga Western Plains Zoo for the Serengeti Plains Visitor Experience through the application and ongoing administration of the grant funding.
  • Dubbo Region Partnership Program - Working with the local business community to promote the region as a destination for both visitors and new residents.
  • NSW Touch Football and Dubbo Touch Association to deliver the three-year NSW Junior State Cup Carnival (Northern) which drives tourism and economic benefits.
  • Collaborate with western NSW councils on tourism attraction programs such as the Great Western Plains tourism campaign and the Great Big Adventure Pass.

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Strategy Partnerships & Engagement

Dubbo Regional Council

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