
Monday 3 July 2023

2023/2024 Budget and Operational Plan including Fees and Charges come into effect

Thank you community for contributing to the Public Exhibition for the draft 2023/2024 Budget and Operational Plan. This is the final update on this engagement activity before we close the project.

The endorsed 2023/2024 Budget and Operational Plan including Fees and Charges have come into effect on 1st July 2023.

To view the related documents, click here.

Your participation in this engagement activity has helped inform Council in the decision-making process on the issues that matter to you.

Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.


The draft 2023/2024 Budget, Delivery Program and Operational Plan and other associated documents are now on public exhibition with submissions now welcome.

The draft documents are part of an integrated framework where the budget and revenue policy support the delivery program and operational plan. The documents act as Council’s road map for the next 12 months and demonstrate how Council will work towards achieving the community's vision.

Over the past 12 months Council’s operating costs have been increasing due to the current economic climate and restrained decisions are being made to ensure the long-term financial sustainability for the region.

Council staff have prepared a financially disciplined draft budget with the focus on ensuring long-term financial sustainability for the region. Being measured with expenditure now is a vital step to managing the increasing costs associated with running Council’s current programs and service levels.

There are proposed increases to some of Council’s fees and charges, to ensure Council can continue to deliver these services and support ongoing maintenance of facilities and asset renewal into the future.

The long-term financial plan will ensure the current levels of service plans for ongoing maintenance and asset renewal can be achieved into the future.

Submissions are welcome online by 5pm, Monday 29 May 2023.

Topics of Interest

Draft 12 month Operational Plan

Outlines the actions and projects to be undertaken in the next 12 months in line with community's vision 'Towards 2040'

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Dubbo Regional Council

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Have your say | Submissions now closed

Formal submissions on the Draft 2023/2024 Budget, Operational Plan, Fees & Charges and associated documents to inform Council have now closed.