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Residents within the North Yeoval area are encouraged to participate in early consultation and engagement activities involving the proposed Local Government Area (LGA) boundary alteration being considered by Dubbo Regional Council.

We have heard from community and identified in our 2023 – 2024 Operational Plan that the current boundary continues to create a sense of confusion and division in the village.

A Local Government Area (LGA) boundary alteration at North Yeoval, as proposed in the below map, would be both positive for the community and Council by bringing the entire village of Yeoval together under Cabonne Shire Council, creating a unified village and simplifying customer experiences and transactions with Council.

Dubbo Regional Council and Cabonne Shire Council will need to work together to investigate the details of the proposed boundary realignment before commencing community engagement and consultation to gain community insights on the proposal.

We recognise there is much to do, and if community support the benefits along with both Councils, the Boundaries Commission will conduct their own investigation with the Local Government Minister being the final decision maker.

Proposed Boundary alteration in Yellow

Key stages

  • Stage 1

    We will commence conversations with Cabonne Council to identify whether the boundary proposal should proceed to community engagement and consultation. This involves:

    • Discussions with both Councils and their relevant operational teams
    • Preliminary investigations into the proposal
    • Examine potential impacts including rates and service levels
  • Stage 2

    Community can get involved in our engagement program which will provides diverse opportunities for participation:

    • Program of engagement activities with community and residents
    • Gain community insight on potential impacts of change
    • A report on outcomes and insights to July Council Corporate Services Committee Meeting
  • Stage 3

    The formal stage for community, supported by a public exhibition for all community to voice their support or concerns on this boundary proposal. You can expect;

    • Accessible information
    • Hard copies to be made available in a convenient location
    • Formal submissions process
    • Report will outline outcomes
  • Stage 4

    (Pending Council direction from Stage 3) Application to Office of Local Government:

    • An application will be submitted, outlining background, considerations, proposed change, financial impacts and community engagement program to support the boundary change
    • The final decision will be made by the Local Government Minister

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Community Engagement

Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation to date.

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Phone (02) 6801 4000
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P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

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