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The Burrendong Bridge No. 1 Replacement Project is upgrading the existing wooden bridge located on Fashions Mount Road in Mumbil.

The project includes the demolition of the existing wooden bridge and the subsequent construction of a new concrete bridge. The new structure will be built on essentially the same alignment as the old bridge and will enhance safety for motorists.

A temporary access road will be constructed to the north of the bridgeworks to maintain traffic flow during the construction period. Traffic will be managed with traffic lights, allowing one lane of traffic at a time. Road users are encouraged to drive safely and be aware of the works to the side of the road.

The total project budget is $2,031,370, including $1,523,527 funded by the NSW Government's Fixing Country Bridges and Bridge Renewal Program and $507,843 from Dubbo Regional Council. The project is expected to be completed by March 2025.

The replacement of the existing wooden bridge with a concrete structure will enhance infrastructure safety. Benefits to the community include:

  • Improved safety and longevity with the new concrete structure.
  • Wider bridge to more safely accommodate traffic.
  • Upgraded guard rails for improved vehicle safety.
  • Extended approach roads to improve traffic flow and accessibility.
  • Upgraded stormwater drains to improve water management and reduce the risk of flooding.
  • Enhanced height for improved flood resilience.

At a glance, the scope of this project will include:

Construction of a concrete bridge:

  • Length: 19.6 meters between abutments along the road center line.
  • Width: 10.189 meters, which includes two 3.5-meter travel lanes and shoulders.

Bridge Features:

  • Concrete relieving slabs on both road approaches.
  • Retaining walls (wingwalls) extending from the headstock to the natural earth batter.

Additional Infrastructure:

  • Installation of new kerb and gutter, including kerb returns.
  • Reuse and reinstallation of existing guardrails on the new bridge approaches.
  • Upgrading existing stormwater drains to manage runoff and reduce flooding risks.
  • Construction of a temporary access road to the north of the bridgeworks to maintain traffic flow.

Construction is scheduled to commence on 29 July 2024, weather permitting.

Impact on Traffic: Traffic will be managed with traffic lights, allowing one lane of traffic at a time.

Temporary Access Road Details:

  • Reason: To maintain traffic flow and accessibility during bridge construction
  • Location: North of the bridgeworks
  • Traffic Management: Traffic lights to manage single-lane traffic

Project Updates | September 2024

Workers at bridge construction sites


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