Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.


Council coordinates a number of programs and events that provide social connection, skill building and create a sense of belonging in the community.

Highlights are provided below, you can find the detailed Draft Budget, 12 month Operational Plan and Fees & Charges can be found within the document library.

Council provides an annual contribution to the Macquarie Regional Library, this is proposed to increase by 2% in 2023/2024.

The Macquarie Regional Library Collection Development Contribution invests in the physical items for the libraries; however, in 2023/2024, there is a greater emphasis on online resources, and the budget for the physical items will be a 10% increase on previous years rather than the traditional 15% increase.

The proposed focus for 2023/2024 will be an increase in the investment of online resources. This will improve accessibility to library services online and provide free resources to residents.

Access to the eLibrary resources is a growth area for the Macquarie Regional Library, with 19% of the total loan being e-resources in 2021/2022, an increase from 14% in 2019/2020.

Council receives $158,000 in funding through Catholic Care to support Communities for Children programs run by Council.

Council plays a significant role in delivering services to the community. Communities for Children programs implemented throughout the year include parent groups, parent education programs, school holiday programs, little learners, after school cooking classes and a variety of community events. These programs provide an opportunity for social connection and skill building whilst creating a sense of belonging in the community.

Last financial year these programs saw over 2,500 participants through the designated Communities for Children programs.

The aim of the Youth Council is to focus on capacity building by encouraging young people to make independent decisions and to negotiate priorities of the communities through participation.

Council aims to support every member of the community, including the Youth of the Dubbo region, in particular the Young Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

Extracurricular activities, such as the opportunity to join the Youth Council, provide new opportunities to young people in the Dubbo region and assist them to develop important life skills including, teamwork, leadership, self-confidence and resilience.

Council proposes to continue to provide events and activities for seniors in the Dubbo region to increase social connection.

Council presented a Seniors Expo in February. This event enabled networking amongst service providers as well as providing valuable face to face contact with different services and organisations for seniors. Over 100 seniors attended and general feedback indicated they found the event very helpful. Council proposes to hold this event again in the coming 12 months.

Council also coordinated a number of other events and activities including a Councillor barbecue and free movie session in Wellington, a seniors Christmas morning tea in Dubbo and key library events for the seniors. These events provided positive socialisation opportunities which help foster a sense of belonging in the community.

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Formal submissions on the Draft 2023/2024 Budget, Operational Plan, Fees & Charges and associated documents to inform Council have now closed.