Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.


The long-term financial plan will ensure the current levels of service, plans for ongoing maintenance and asset renewal can be achieved into the future.

Highlights are provided below, you can find the detailed Draft Budget, 12 month Operational Plan and Fees & Charges can be found within the document library.

The proposed fee structure for the various venues and open spaces for hire at the Dubbo Showground will change to a per square metre fee to assist with consistency of fees.

The Dubbo Showground has 20 different areas for hire including pavilions, grass and open spaces as well as a function room. The new hire structure will be implemented over the next few years.

Not for profit organisations may apply for a 20% discount on hire fees subject to terms and conditions.

A proposed transit fee for stock using the Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets on a temporary basis. This will be $5 per head of cattle per day and $0.50 per head for sheep per day.

The livestock transit fee is proposed to be implemented for stock that are being held on a temporary basis at the Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets. This may include livestock that need to be offloaded for a period of time to have food and water due to the long distance they are travelling.

This fee will help support the maintenance of the facility.

A new online booking system will be introduced to help streamline the booking process for transit stock.

Single entry admissions to the Dubbo and Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centres is proposed to increase by $1 and Geurie Pool by 50c.

Family Season Pass for Dubbo and Wellington will increase by $10 to $300.

The proposed small price increase for single entry admission to the Dubbo and Wellington Aquatic Leisure Centres and Geurie Pool will bring the fees more in line with industry standards and help offset the rising costs of utilities and pool chemicals.

The Family Season Pass which covers anyone on your Medicare card is still great value for money with a family of 2 adults and 2 children only needing to visit 15 times over the summer months at either Dubbo or Wellington to cover the cost of the pass. If your kids are in a Swimming Squad and attend daily training, this means you’ll only be paying around $1.90 a day across the season for the whole family!

The per passenger charge is proposed to increase from $17.45 to $18.32 at the Dubbo Regional Airport, which is a 5% increase.

These proposed fees associated with landing help support the long-term maintenance of the runway, taxiways and aprons of the Dubbo Regional Airport airfield.

The Wellington Aerodrome and Recreation Park at Bodangora will also benefit from a $700,000 investment in the resurfacing of the apron and runway at this facility. This project is 50% funded by the NSW Government and will be completed by 2024.

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Formal submissions on the Draft 2023/2024 Budget, Operational Plan, Fees & Charges and associated documents to inform Council have now closed.