Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.


The draft operational plan reflects the activities that Council has proposed to undertake in the next 12 months that will deliver on the long-term community plan.

Highlights are provided below, you can find the detailed Draft Budget, 12 month Operational Plan and Fees & Charges can be found within the document library.

Council proposes to continue to provide an event assistance program of $90,000 helping to attract and retain events in the region.

The Event Assistance Program supported 20 major and community events with financial assistance totalling over $100,000 in the current financial year.

These 20 events delivered an estimated injection of over $7.5 million into the region’s economy.

Council proposes to invest $36,487 annually for a new online community platform for all public participation and engagement.

The new ‘Your Say’ platform that is now live will create a meaningful and accessible engagement opportunities, bringing the community together, whilst being available 24/7.

The ‘Your Say’ platform provides community the opportunity to engage, participate and provide feedback on a range of council’s projects, plans, policies and studies including public exhibitions and being able to make formal submissions online. Community will be able to subscribe for notifications in their areas of interest and follow projects that impact them, creating a consistent feedback loop.

'Your Say' features a translation tool that translates the website into one of the top 10 languages spoken in the Dubbo region, delivering greater inclusivity and accessibility for people to have their say.

Revitalise Pioneer Park in Wellington and rectify flood damage to the facility through secured funding.

Council has secured grant funding from the NSW Government to undertake the following proposed works in the next 12 months in line with the Council’s Operational Plan:

$661,000 to renew the Pioneer Park pathways that were damaged by recent flooding. Concrete pathways will be installed to better withstand flooding in the future.

$595,000 to renew the irrigation system at Pioneer Park and rehabilitate the western side of Pioneer Park, this will include replanting native vegetation in the area to help reduce erosion.

$300,000 to stabilise the bank of the Bell River near Pioneer Park. This will include rock armouring and re-vegetation to protect the bank from erosion and improve habitat for the local population of platypus.

Council Proposes to continue to focus on its asset renewal program with key projects identified in Dubbo and Wellington.

Council is responsible for 1,158 recreation and open space assets in the region which includes sporting facilities, parks and reserves and aquatic facilities. Council’s asset maintenance replacement program ensures facilities and parks are accessible to the community in satisfactory condition.

Some of the proposed assets renewal projects across the Dubbo region for 2023/2024 include:

  • $20,000 allocated to renewing the irrigation system in at the Osawano Japanese Gardens in Wellington
  • $50,000 to renew the playground at Wambool Park in Yarrawonga estate, Dubbo
  • $250,000 to upgrade the lighting at Cameron Park in Wellington
  • $30,000 to rejuvenate the Queens monument in Victoria Park, Dubbo
  • $80,000 to install pedestrian lighting in Elston Park following the old lighting being removed due to corrosion

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Have your say | Submissions now closed

Formal submissions on the Draft 2023/2024 Budget, Operational Plan, Fees & Charges and associated documents to inform Council have now closed.