Engagement Snapshot
Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.
Growth Planning is publicly exhibiting a draft Development Control Plan (DCP) for 168A Bunglegumbie Road, Dubbo (Lot 6 DP250606). The draft DCP is on public exhibition until 9am, 11 December 2023.
The draft DCP was received from Maas Group Properties, and contains a range of controls to manage residential subdivision and development. The draft DCP is required to be read in conjunction with other relevant provisions of the Dubbo Development Control Plan 2013, however, will prevail in the event of any inconsistency.
The DCP is required due to a portion of the precinct being within the North-West Urban Release Area of the Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan 2022.
Council is currently assessing development application D23-347 for the subdivision of 168A Bunglegumbie Road, Dubbo. Subject to adoption of the DCP, the development application will need to be assessed against the objectives, performance measures and acceptable solutions of the DCP. A copy of the development application in its current form can be viewed on Council’s application tracker at https://planning.dubbo.nsw.gov.au/
Land to which this Plan applies
A Development Control Plan (DCP) is a locally adopted plan that guides developers, landowners, Council and the community on how land can be developed and change over time, and includes measures such as planning principles, objectives, performance measures and acceptable solutions. It aims to ensure we can continue to develop our urban area with a strong emphasis on overall liveability, quality and sustainability.
The Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2022 identifies a number of Urban Release Areas in Dubbo. The land is within the North-West Urban Release Area under the provisions of the Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan 2022. Clause 6.3 of the Dubbo Regional LEP 2022 requires a site-specific DCP to be prepared prior to Council determining any development application on land within an Urban Release Area.
Council is currently assessing development application D23-347 for the subdivision of 168A Bunglegumbie Road, Dubbo. Subject to adoption of the DCP, the development application will need to be assessed against the objectives, performance measures and acceptable solutions of the DCP.
A copy of the development application in its current form can be viewed on Council’s application tracker at https://planning.dubbo.nsw.gov.au/
Submission Process
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft Development Control Plan.