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Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.


Growth Planning is publicly exhibiting draft Development Control Plans (DCPs) for the North-West Urban Release Area. The DCPs consist of the following components:

  • Development Control Plan - Master Plan
    • The Master Plan identifies the long-term vision for the urban release area and provides a framework to guide future development
  • Development Control Plan - Stage 1
    • Section A - Staging and implementing the urban structure
    • Section B - Subdivision, design and built form

The draft DCPs are on public exhibition until 9am, Monday 7 August 2023.

Please note: Council is currently assessing a draft DCP for land at 168A Bunglegumbie Road, Dubbo. Subject to Council endorsement at a later date, the DCP will then be placed on public exhibition.

Land to which the draft DCP applies

Council adopted the North-West Urban Release Area Precinct Plan in March 2023. This Plan identifies the key strategic issues to be considered in the development of the area and defines future strategic directions and planning guidance.

The broad aims of this Plan are to:

  • Identify the opportunities and constraints of the land and the anticipated needs of the community.
  • Broadly indicate the likely future development potential of the Precinct.
  • Enable the characteristics of the study area to determine the most appropriate location and form for future development.
  • Provide a broad context of the consideration, by Council, of a future land zoning regime in the area.
  • Establish a vision and set of development objectives which future development will be required to meet.

A Development Control Plan (DCP) provides detailed planning and design guidance to support the aims, objectives and planning controls in the Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2022. A DCP guides developers, landowners, Council and the community on how land may be developed and change over time.

A DCP includes a range of planning principles, objectives, performance measures and acceptable solutions to ensure the region is developed in a logical manner, with an emphasis on overall liveability, quality and sustainability.

The North-West Urban Release Area vision and desired character embeds the provision of high-quality and innovative housing alongside retail and commercial services, a hierarchy of new roads and active transport connections, and well-connected open spaces. It will support diverse housing opportunities leveraged off quality green spaces such as the riverfront linear park network and will integrate and connect to the Dubbo Regional Airport, the CBD, the Macquarie River, and surrounding residential areas. The connections to and integration with surrounding land uses will encourage sustainable travel modes, a strong community character and social interaction.

To ensure that the land within this DCP contributes to the vision and desired future character, future development will include:

  • The establishment of the urban framework through the delivery of key roads, open spaces and transport linkages.
  • The provision of new open space areas and green linear corridors to maximise pedestrian and cycle access as well as incorporate infrastructure, where appropriate, including stormwater drainage and stormwater quality control measures to protect the water quality in the Macquarie River.
  • Buffers or controls for future development at the interfaces to other land uses and noise producing activities on adjoining land.
  • The preservation of existing trees and introduction of tree planting in streets, open spaces and linear parks to maximise the urban tree canopy cover and mitigate urban heat-island effects.
  • The promotion of high quality urban design outcomes delivering environmental, social and economic sustainability.
  • Provision of greater housing diversity and choice.
  • Inclusive public spaces and access to amenities and services.
  • Embedding of a positive legacy for Dubbo.

The Towards 2040 Community Strategic Plan is a vision for the development of the region out to the year 2040. The Plan includes six principle themes and a number of objectives and strategies. This report is aligned to:

Theme: 1 Housing

Objective: 1.1 Housing meets the current and future needs of our community

Delivery Program Strategy: 1.1.1 A variety of housing types and densities are located close to appropriate services and facilities

Objective: 1.2 An adequate supply of land is located close to community services and facilities

Delivery Program Strategy: 1.2.1 Land is suitably zoned, sized and located to facilitate a variety of housing types and densities

A connection point within the draft DCPs shown at Chifley Drive will be for pedestrian and bicycle connectivity. This is considered to be an integral connection point for future residents to access the Dubbo Central Business District, especially in respect of the limited access opportunities along the Newell Highway project.

Submission Process

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft Development Control Plans.

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