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Our organisation is committed to ensuring its long-term viability and effectiveness. The introduction of an Organisational Sustainability Review and Improvement Plan will address key areas for development and implements strategies to promote efficiency, improvement, and sustainability.

It is an important step following the independent Financial Sustainability Review conducted last year. You can re-visit the independent Review to understand the background to this initiative and access the full report.

The report identified a number of initiatives that could support long term financial sustainability including:

1. Identification of operational efficiencies and productivity improvements.

2. Reduction in service provision – levels and/or range of services.

3. Reduction in debt through sale of surplus assets.

4. Increase in revenue from operations through increase in service fees, rates and/or charges.

The creation of this Plan was a resolution of Council, as an initiative to support efficiency and productivity improvements. It has been created in line with the development of the 2024/2025 Operational Plan and Budget which will be on public exhibition at the same time.

We are committed to long-term planning and transparency in decision-making and we encourage your participation.

We encourage you to explore how our Plan has influenced the annual planning and resourcing for the next financial year.

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✍Formal submission

Submission Process

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft Policy.

Written Submissions should be addressed to:


Dubbo Regional Council

PO Box 81

Dubbo NSW 2830

Written submissions will be formally acknowledged in writing. Next steps include Council will prepare a report which will go to a Council Meeting in the near future, where you will again be notified. We encourage you to continue using this page to reach out to Council for any enquiries pertaining to this Public Exhibition.

Related Projects

Here are projects that are related or provide further background to the Organisational Sustainability and Improvement Plan.

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Phone (02) 6801 4000
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P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

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