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Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.


The North-West Urban Release Area is a strategic initiative in Dubbo aimed at addressing the region's growing housing needs. Anticipated to accommodate between 4,500 to 5,500 dwellings and a population of 12,500 to 15,500 people, this precinct is guided by a master plan, development control plan, and planning proposal developed through a collaborative approach between Council, landowners and the NSW Department of Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure.

To support development in this precinct, a draft Infrastructure Contributions Plan has been prepared, allowing for the planning, funding, and delivery of essential infrastructure. The Plan will allow Council and registered certifiers to levy infrastructure contributions through a Development Consent or Complying Development Certificate.

The draft Infrastructure Contributions Plan is on public exhibition until 9am, Monday 17 June 2024.

Summary of infrastructure contribution rates

Section 7.11 Contribution

A Section 7.11 contribution applies to subdivision to create a lot for residential accommodation, residential accommodation, and tourist and visitor accommodation.

Development type Contribution
Small residential lot (subdivision) ≤ 250m2 $14,694.10
Residential lot (subdivision) > 250m2 $20,000 (capped)
$22,857.50 (full)
Dwelling with 1 bedroom $10,612.40
Dwelling with 2 bedrooms $14,694.10
Dwelling with 3 or more bedrooms $20,000 (capped)
$22,857.50 (full)
Boarding house, co-living housing, group home, hostel, student housing, and seniors housing $8,163.40 per room
Tourist and visitor accommodation $8,163.40 per bed

Dwelling means a room or suite of rooms occupied or used or so constructed or adapted as to be capable of being occupied or used as a separate domicile.

Section 7.12 Contribution

A Section 7.12 levy applies to all developments not listed above.

Proposed cost of carrying out development Levy rate
Less than and including $100,000 Nil
More than $100,000 and up to and including $200,000 0.5% of that cost
More than $200,000 1% of that cost

Mixed Use Development

A single development can only be subject to either a Section 7.11 contribution or a Section 7.12 levy. Where a single development comprises a mix of types covered by both Section 7.11 contributions and a Section 7.12 levy, the component that represents the highest monetary contribution will apply.

Land to which the Plan applies

Land to which the Plan applies

Infrastructure contributions are payments made by developers that help plan, fund and deliver the necessary infrastructure required as a result of new development. This infrastructure includes road and transport, stormwater drainage systems, and open space and recreation facilities. Infrastructure contributions are a key source of funding for Council to provide infrastructure to support our community whilst ensuring the existing community is not burdened by the provision of new infrastructure.

Infrastructure contributions are levied through conditions of development consent or complying development, and require the payment of a monetary contribution towards infrastructure, the dedication of land free of cost, or both. Infrastructure contributions are administered in accordance with Part 7, Division 7.1, Subdivision 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Infrastructure contribution plans specify what infrastructure will be provided, when it is planned for delivery, and approximately how much it will cost.

Council adopted a Master Plan for the North-West Urban Release on 28 September 2023 CCL23/256, which identified the vision for the area. We have used this master plan to identify the required infrastructure for delivery. If these draft infrastructure contribution rates are adopted, they will support the delivery of roads, open spaces and recreation, stormwater and plan preparation costs between 2024 and 2039.

The infrastructure contributions will apply to all development. How we apply this varies across different scenarios and uses a formula based on the number of persons or bedrooms, or the cost of development. To gain more understanding refer to Part 2.1 of the draft Plan.

We have done some comparisons with other Councils such as Orange, Bathurst, Tamworth and Albury. Each city has a range and this infrastructure contribution is comparable.

If Council decide to not proceed, outlined in the Council report as Option (b).

The infrastructure schedule has identified $102,042,200 of works and ongoing administration until 2039. The decision not to proceed would result in Council collecting approximately $60 million under the current contributions plans, but infrastructure required will not be provided as it is not identified in the current contributions plans.

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