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In our post-delivery review, we want to hear from community members who have feedback to share with the project delivery team.


Council are now proceeding with Stage 2 of the rehabilitation of Wheelers Lane, with works planned between Myall Street and the Railway Line. The first stage was completed in August 2023, with Stage 2 planned to commence 10 January 2024, weather permitting.

Works are scheduled for January to prevent any impacts on businesses or trade leading into the Christmas period. The overall outcome of this project aims to improve the road network along Wheelers Lane to accommodate the large traffic volumes and heavy vehicles.

Rehabilitation road works | January 2024

Works have been scheduled for commencement on Wednesday, 10 January 2024 with the entire project expected to be completed by early May (weather permitting).

The reconstruction of the road pavement and subsoil sections will enhance the road network and improve road safety within the identified area between Myall Street to the Railway Line along Wheelers Lane.

In an effort to minimise disruptions for residents and road users please see an overview of expected changes:

  • Staged lane and direction closures as the project progresses. Please see further details below.
  • Detours are also planned as per the programme below.
  • Traffic management, with speed reductions in place.
  • Nightworks and weekend works may be scheduled to reduce impacts on business. Details to be confirmed closer to commencement.

Businesses along Wheelers Lane remain open for the duration. Impacted residents will be notified directly as updates come to hand. Your patience during these works is appreciated.

Project Update | Engineer Update - 16 February 2024

Project milestones


Milestone 5 | Night Works

This window of works is scheduled to commence 4 March, weather permitting.

  • Nightworks will occur between the hours of 6pm to 6 am, in front of Wheelers Lane businesses.
  • Road closure at Wentworth Street and the Birch Avenue roundabout.


Milestone 4 | Closure of Northbound Lanes - Road Closure

This window of works is scheduled to commence 26 February, weather permitting.

  • Closure of northbound lanes from 41 Wheelers Lane to Myall Street roundabout
  • Businesses along Wheelers Lane remain open for the duration.


Milestone 3 | Closure of Southbound Lanes - Road Closure

This window of works is scheduled to commence 19 February, weather permitting.

  • Closure of southbound lanes from Myall Street roundabout to Wentworth Street.
  • Businesses along Wheelers Lane remain open for the duration.


Milestone 2 | Southbound Lane Closure

This window of works is scheduled to commence from Monday 12 February 2024 from Wentworth Street to Douglas Mawson Road. Wheeler Lane, between the Rail crossing and Myall street, will be subject to reduced traffic flows with one lane open in each direction (see below). This will still allow buses and the general public to access Wheelers Lane with minimal disturbance.

  • Under Contraflow as per plan below.
  • Businesses along Wheelers Lane remain open for the duration.


Milestone 1 | Preliminary Works - Watermain Removal and Subsoil Drainage

This window of works is scheduled to commence 10 January 2024, weather permitting.

  • Partial single lane closures (fast lanes) as required.
    • Southbound and Northbound fast lanes will be affected in sections of about 100m from 27 Wheelers Lane to 2 Douglas Mawson Road.
    • One traffic lane will remain open in each direction.
    • Work in the below map are indicative only. These footprints will roll along between the Myall Street roundabout to Douglas Mawson Road on both sides of Wheelers Lane.
  • Businesses along Wheelers Lane remain open for the duration.

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Watermain infrastructure | COMPLETED

Works are expected to commence Monday 27 November 2023, with completion approximately 5 -7 days, weather permitting.

This work will result in improved road safety, by relocating watermain valves from trafficable road areas.

Traffic Implications will include:

  • The closure of northbound lanes of Wheelers Lane approaching the Myall Street roundabout.
  • Detours in place via Douglas Mawson Road, please allow for extra travel time in peak traffic windows and refer to the image below for proposed detour.

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