Our commitment to providing a flood resilient community will be demonstrated though the preparation and delivery of the Wellington Flood Study. The review of this study is a legislative requirement under NSW Flood Policy, and it provides an improved understanding of local flood behaviour.
The study will develop flood models to incorporate an additional 30 years of rainfall and river level data, account for Burrendong Dam safety upgrades (2010-2014), consider recent infrastructure and development in Wellington and utilise contemporary topographic data and flood modelling software.
We have appointed an engineering consultant to undertake the Wellington Flood Study with the support of a Floodplain Risk Management Committee (FRMC) while seeking community and business participation across a range of engagement activities.
Floodplain Risk Management Process
💧Flood mapping
Written Submissions should be addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer
Dubbo Regional Council
PO Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830
Written submissions must include reference FILE16/209
Written submissions will be formally acknowledged in writing. Next steps include Council will prepare a report
which will go to a Council Meeting in the near future, where you will again be
notified. We encourage you to continue using this
page to reach out to Council for any enquiries pertaining to this Public