
Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) is inviting the community to provide feedback on the Draft Ballimore Flood Study. DRC commissioned BMT Pty Ltd to prepare a Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the village of Ballimore in accordance with the NSW Flood Prone Land Policy.

The new Flood Study supersedes the 1996 Flood Study prepared by Rust PPK Pty Ltd. Prior to the finalisation of the Flood Study, BMT have prepared a draft Flood Study for Ballimore. This study constitutes the second stage of the Floodplain Risk Management process, to understand the local flow conditions, which will provide critical information for writing the Floodplain Risk Management Plan.

Following completion of the public exhibition period, all submissions provided to Council will be reviewed and a report prepared for the consideration of Council at a future Council meeting.

Submission Process

Please note that, in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration.