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Engagement Snapshot

We encourage you to view the outcomes and results from this community engagement activity.


We are dedicated to ensuring that everyone in our community can easily access our information. As part of this commitment, we are focusing on improving the accessibility of our website content and how our community engages with us online.

We're reaching out to you, our community, for feedback on accessibility enhancement technology and how it improves your experience on our websites. Understanding the specific preferences and challenges our diverse community members encounter on our sites is vital. This insight will enable us to guide our website managers in creating content that is both accessible and user-friendly.

Websites in trial

The following websites will trial accessibility enhancement technology from Wednesday 3 April 2024 until Monday 6 May 2024.

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Engagement & Customer Insights Team

Dubbo Regional Council

{{ question.username }} asked


{{ }}
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P.O. Box 81
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