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Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.

The draft 2024-2026 Water Supply and Sewerage Customer Service Plan will be on public exhibition for 28 days and will set the standards of service delivery for the next two years.

This Plan was developed after a statistical valid survey was undertaken across the Local Government Area to gain feedback from residents on Water Supply and Sewerage services. This survey saw a representative sample of 500 residents surveyed by phone by an independent company.

Our community is encouraged to provide formal feedback on the draft plan until 9am Monday 29 July 2024 by making a submission below.

Engagement overview

Our intent is to ensure the water and sewerage supply meet all legislative requirements and our customers can expect a high level of service provision relating to their water and sewerage requirements.

To support the development of our 2024 - 2026 Water Supply and Sewerage Customer Service Plan, we undertake a biennial survey to assess customer satisfaction with our services. The survey will involve 500 residents within the region receiving a call from our independent research partner to undertake a series of questions around satisfaction levels across a variety of services.

After an in-depth analysis and review of the data, the draft customer service plan will undergo a public exhibition before Council can endorse for adoption.

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Water Supply and Sewerage Team

Dubbo Regional Council

Engagement & Customer Insights Team

Dubbo Regional Council

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