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Our customer spending habits have evolved with a significant decline in the use of cash over the last few years. Consideration around the decision to go cashless reflects our organisation's commitment to financial sustainability and mitigate risks for property damage and staff safety across our seven waste, recycling and transfer stations.

Over the last two years, our waste facilities and transfer stations have experienced increased security risks for staff and incurred damage at a significant cost to our ratepayers. Operational changes during Covid-19 provided opportunity to trial cashless transactions that were received positively by our customers.

We are inviting community feedback on the transition to cashless transactions to help us understand your thoughts on the benefits of cashless facilities within the Dubbo Region.

Cashless facilities will create

  • Safe workplaces

    • $470K damage incurred in last 12 months
    • Reduced temptation for break-ins
    • Reduce premiums for insurance

  • Staff efficiency

    • Daily banking duties removed
    • Loss of Wellington bank, requires staff to bank in Dubbo twice a week
    • More focus on areas Customer experience and service

  • Enhance experience

    • 1.03% of visitors currently use cash
    • Quicker and streamlined transactions

Manager Resource Recovery and Efficiency - 19 March 2024

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