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Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.


Our annual kerbside bulky rubbish clean up is set to commence in October 2023. Those residents familiar with our annual kerbside collection will notice zones now have names aligned to locations and adopted colours and contrast for improved accessibility.

The Annual DRC Bulky Waste Collection allows materials to be separated upon presentation, which intern provides a positive re-use or recycling opportunity for materials that may otherwise end up in a landfill. In addition, the service allows residents to display items during Bulky that can’t be placed in domestic bins due to size and/or weight.

For residents who are unsure of their collection zone or would like to make sure they are placing their rubbish out on the correct day, we have an interactive map that allows you to enter your address and the map will present your collection zone and details for your collection.

This year's collection will see the implementation of a Bulky Rubbish Notification Slip. Residents who receive this slip will be notified if:

  • rubbish has been placed out before the 7-day collection date
  • bulky items are on the prohibited list
  • bulky items are too large or heavy
  • bulky items are from a commercial property

Residents have 2 business days from the dated notice to discuss recollection options with council. Under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, Section 143 Council may issue Penalty infringements of up to $2000 to an individual who does not remove all excess rubbish requested from the front of their property after this time period.

Share your feedback

Take our survey on the delivery of our 2023 Bulky Rubbish Collection to guide us for the future.

Updates on collection status

Keep up to date on the progress of collection zones, we will drop a pin to indicate which zone is currently under collection.

Find your zone

Do you know what zone you live in? Enter your address here and our map will show you!

  • Approved items

    Items for collection must be:

    • placed out no earlier than 7 days before your zone
    • within one level box trailer load or one cubic metre per residence.
    • set aside, for whitegoods and metal items.
    • placed to the side for green waste, excluding clippings.
    • no more than 2 mattresses
    • no more than 4 passenger tyres
  • Prohibited items

    The following will not be collected if:

    • it is hazardous waste, liquids or batteries
    • identified as building waste
    • industrial truck or tractor tyres
  • Missed collection

    If your collection was missed, please call Council to report and arrange recollection within 2 business days of missed collection.

    To avoid a missed collection, your bulky rubbish should be placed out on the Sunday prior to your collection period.

    Contact: 02 6801 4000
  • Bulky notification slip

    If residents find a notice in their mailbox suggesting uncollected items should be removed, they are requested to remove all rubbish remained on kerb or have 2 business days to rectify any issues and contact Council to discuss recollection options.

    Contact: 02 6801 4000
  • Failure to comply

    A letter will be issued to residents who fail to comply with the direction on their notification giving them a five business day window to remove the rubbish.

    If the residents don't comply with the letter after the period, Council may issue penalty infringements of up to $2000 to an individual who does not remove all excess rubbish requested from the front of their property.

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Phone (02) 6801 4000
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P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

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