
Tree Preservation Order Private Land | Notice of Motion

12 December 2023

A Notice of Motion has been proposed to alter recommendations in report CCL23/287 dated 26 October 2023.

The proposal is to remove Point 3, and now read:

1. That Council prepare a report to come back to Council outlining a proposed framework for tree management guidelines for trees on private land to an intervention level of 8 metres or higher and also 10 metres or higher (with DBH measurements) threshold, including: - Administration design; - Compliance; and - Resourcing implications.

2. That Council develops an education program highlighting the importance of retaining trees, increasing canopy coverage and the benefits that they provide to our urban communities.

Point 3 from the original report dated 26 October 2023, which has been proposed to be removed is noted below:

3. That Council undertake a statistically valid survey to understand community attitude towards a Tree Preservation Order and that it be funded from the Tree Management Budget.

To view business papers, minutes and livestream of the event. Please visit Council’s website by following the link.