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With recent flood events the western carpark of Pioneer Park will undergo an irrigation renewal and rehabilitation sourced funding through the Office of Sport for renewal of the irrigation system to the value of $589,117.

The western carpark acts as a flood runner during flood events.

This project will include the following:

  • Remove the old and inefficient irrigation system which was damaged in recent flood events.
  • Explore options for alternative water source options to reduce the demand on town's water supply infrastructure which is currently supporting this.
  • Consultation with local sporting groups and stakeholders to minimise disruptions and impacts
  • Rehabilitation of nature strips with replanting of endemic riverine plants, shrubs and grasses
  • Protection of existing river red gums
  • Hydro mulching a native grass blend including a cover crop This blend would include species such as Aristida, Austrostipa, Carex, Cymbopogon, Dichelachne, Juncus and Lomandra.
  • Planting 10 new Red River Gums
  • Evening out the ground around the new pathway

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Wellington Flood Restoration Projects

This project is one of three related projects.

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