Key Dates

Wednesday 30 August 2023

Load limit has been removed.

20kmh temporary speed limit in place for all traffic crossing the bridge. 42 tonne gross load capacity.

Monday 21 August 2023

Benolong Bridge repairs will be commencing Monday 21 August and are expected to continue for 5 days, weather permitting.

It is proposed to undertake these works under controlled traffic conditions using stop /go controllers , however, it should be noted there will be periods of extended wait time for traffic, in the order of twenty (20) minutes, between traffic movements across the bridge on a number of occasions throughout each work shift. It is strongly recommend that vehicles who do not wish to be delayed for these timeframes make other arrangements for their journey. The existing heavy vehicle detour is an alternative travel option.

Thursday 20 July 2023

Following a report to the Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee on 13 July, Council will go ahead with temporary repair works which are expected to be completed by mid September 2023 (resources permitting).

The repairs will allow heavy vehicles to use the existing timber bridge until the new bridge is completed in 2024.

Click here for more information about the new Benolong Bridge.

The 15 tonne load limit will remain in place until the repair works are complete and the bridge is signed off as being structurally adequate.


Dubbo Regional Council imposed a 15 tonne gross load limit on the Benolong Bridge following the identification of age related defects.

DRC staff have started initial works on the replacement of the bridge, as part of the Benolong Bridge asset renewal, which will be undertaken during the 2023/2024 financial year.

During these preliminary works age related defects were identified on the existing timber bridge which compromise the load bearing capacity of the bridge.

In response to this finding Council implemented a 15 tonne gross load limit on Benolong Bridge to preserve the current structure of the bridge and for the safety of motorists.

Benolong Bridge is located on Benolong Road and passes over Wambangalang Creek. It is located approximately 8 kilometres from Obley Road and approximately 9.3 kilometres from Terrabella Road.

Detours are in place for all traffic over the 15 tonne gross load limit via Nubingerie Road and Eulandool Road. Detour signage to advise of the alternate route and the load limit signage at the bridge has been installed and the load limit came into effect.

Council understands that this will be an inconvenience to heavy vehicles and appreciates the community’s understanding of the safety issue.

Map view of proposed detour

Click on the icons within the below map for information regarding proposed detours and imposed gross load limit.

Guidance of proposed detour

Benolong bridge 15 tonne gross limit

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