Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.

Project updates

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Bridge opens to public

The construction of the new concrete bridge has been completed and it is now open to the public.

We would like to thank you for your interest and understanding throughout the construction period.

The demolition of the old timber Benolong Bridge is scheduled to commence on 8 October 2024, weather permitting.


The Benolong Bridge, over Wambangalang Creek is a single lane timber bridge. In line with Councils Community Strategic Plan objective to provide a safe, convenient and efficient road network, this projects scope of works includes replacing the timber bridge with a new concrete bridge.

The location of this project on Benolong Road, South of Dubbo approximately 22km over Wambangalang Creek.

The new bridge will comprise of a two-lane concrete structure along with road approaches. The total project budget is $4.6million including grant funds through Fixing Country Bridges Program (NSW Government), Bridge Renewal and Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (Australian Government) and Dubbo Regional Council.

Aerial view of bridge location

Site of new bridge on Benolong Road

Bridge demolition

The demolition of the Old Timber Benolong Bridge and its removal to a licensed receival facility or other facility, as approved.

The proposed demolition is to occur in the autumn/winter season following the completion of construction works of the new concrete bridge.

This schedule of works is being undertaken by the contractor and overseen by Council.

Bridge construction

Design and construction of a new road bridge includes the following overview of works:

  • Preconstruction survey which may be required to complete the design of the bridge.
  • Geotechnical investigations (other than that attached to this brief) which may be required to complete the design of the bridge.
  • Design of the bridge superstructure, piers, approach slabs, erosion protection and foundations including design drawings and calculations including a minimum load limit of the existing timber bridge of 42.25T.
  • Installation of erosion and sediment control measures at the bridge site as directed by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
  • Vehicle movement plan, for construction traffic, at the bridge site.
  • Construction of bridges
    • substructure including piles, abutments, piers and headstocks.
    • superstructure
    • approach/relieving slabs
    • working platform at each abutment location (compacted earth)
    • temporary access tracks necessary for works
    • temporary erosion and sediment controls.
  • Excavation of topsoil/fill and stockpiling on site
  • Restoration of site area and areas disturbed
  • Traffic control, during bridge construction, when works impact on public traffic movements.

This schedule of works is being undertaken by the contractor and overseen by Council.

Road re-alignment

This milestone involves aligning a new road to the proposed site of the new bridge build at both north and south approaches. An overview of this milestones scope of works includes:

  • Construction of approach roads including earthworks and associated pavement
  • Removal of trees at the location of proposed bridge
  • Installation of drainage layer behind the abutment retaining walls
  • Placement of backfill behind the bridge abutments and retaining walls
  • Installation of permanent erosion controls around abutments
  • Design and installation of guardrails.

This schedule of works is being completed by Council.

During the preliminary works, age related defects were identified on the existing timber bridge which compromise the load bearing capacity of the bridge.

In response to this finding, Council will implement a 15-tonne gross load limit on Benolong Bridge effective immediately to preserve the current structure of the bridge and for the safety of motorists.

Click here for the dedicated existing Benolong Timber Bridge temporary load limits.

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