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The Multicultural Garden project aims to establish an inclusive and vibrant space that celebrates the cultural diversity of our community. This initiative is based on the belief that gardens can symbolise unity, bringing together diverse cultural traditions, plants, and design elements to foster understanding and connections among residents.

Residents, cultural groups, and stakeholders are being invited to provide feedback on two concepts through a range of consultation activities.

From the feedback, a final concept will guide the development of a business case and provide Council with indicative costs towards construction, resources and ongoing costs to support applications for grant funding.

Please review both concepts and take the survey to provide your feedback.

The Gathering Grounds

The Gathering Grounds includes:

1. Car park

2. Open space for recreational activities

3. Pathway and areas for public art

4. Pathway to connect to proposed Wiradjuri Cultural Centre

5. Small shelter with BBQ facility

6. Multi-purpose pavilion for large group events and celebration

7. Area for public art

8. Area for public art

9. Access to existing playground

10. Conceptual view

Conceptual view - The Gathering Grounds

Serenity Garden

Serenity Sculpture Garden includes:

1. Carpark

2. Open space for recreational activities

3. Area for public art

4. Multi-purpose pavilion for large group events and celebration

5. Area for public art

6. Area for water feature and landscaping

7. Access to existing playground

8. Pathway to connect to proposed Wiradjuri Cultural Centre

9. Conceptual view

Conceptual view - Serenity Gardens

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