
Last Chance to have your say on Draft Budget

26 May 2023

Time is running out to have your say on what Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) has proposed for the 2023/2024 draft budget and operational plan.

“It is really important to hear from the community about what is important to them or what they would like to see Council focus on in the coming 12 months,” Mayor of Dubbo Regional Council, Mathew Dickerson said.

To help breakdown the draft budget and operational plan, Council has been providing digestible and user-friendly information via social media and the new Your Say platform. This has been designed to help the community to consume the information about the draft budget and operational plan more easily.

“I would really encourage the community to visit the Your Say website to see what is being proposed for the upcoming 12 months and have their say so that Councillors can make an informed decision based on these submissions.”

Whilst Council’s draft budget and operational plan focuses essential services such as roads, water and waste recovery, there is a continued commitment to be active in the community services space.

This involves working closely with local organisations and community to provide a variety of events, programs and activities for children, youth and seniors in the community. These programs and events deliver greater social connectivity, mental and physical health benefits as well as a sense of belonging to the community for participants.

Last year, the Communities for Children programs, a partnership between Catholic Care and DRC delivered parent groups, parent education programs, school holiday programs, little learners, after school cooking classes and a variety of community events. These programs provided an opportunity for social connection and skill building whilst creating a sense of belonging in the community and saw over 2,500 participants through the various programs.

“In the coming 12 months Council will continue to partner with organisations such as Catholic Care to deliver beneficial programs for the community,” Clr Dickerson said.

The last chance to have your say on the draft 2023/2024 budget, delivery and operational plan is by 5pm, Monday 29 May 2023. View the associated documents and further information at or view hard copies at Council’s Customer Experience Centres in both Dubbo and Wellington and the Macquarie Regional Library branches in Dubbo and Wellington.