Dubbo Regional Council (Council) is gathering information from the community and other critical stakeholders to assist in the development of its Delivery Program for 2025-2029.

The Delivery Program addresses the vision and objectives of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) outlining the principle activities that Council will undertake within a four-year period, highlighted each year in the Operational Plan. The Delivery Program focuses on the CSP’s key themes of housing, infrastructure, economy, leadership, liveability and environmental sustainability.

Areas the Delivery Program have influenced recently include:

  • Approved 1,472 dwelling applications (past 3 years)
  • Construction of new bores and associated pipeline
  • Partnerships established such as the 3-year contract for the NSW Touch Junior State Cup
  • Funding investments such as the BOOTS women in construction program
  • Launching the YourSay page allowing community to engage, participate and provide feedback
  • Hosting and/or facilitating activities and entertainment
  • Parks and recreation upgrades
  • Increasing EV charging networks
  • Circular economy education and investment

This survey aims to gather valuable insights regarding your experiences and views of the Dubbo Region. Your responses will help us:

  • Identify areas of concern,
  • Understand emerging trends, and
  • Prioritise Council activities that address needs of your community.

Your participation is greatly appreciated and will help to provide valuable insights into the areas the Council should focus on in the development of its Delivery Program for 2025-2029.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

This survey should take around 7-10 minutes.