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Community Engagement Groups play a vital role in participatory decision-making by strategically utilising community input to inform and legitimise the decision-making process. This inclusive approach fosters trust and confidence within the community toward both the decision-makers and the decision-making process. While these groups do not have delegated authority from Council to make binding decisions, their outcomes, insights, and contributions will inform reports and recommendations, as required, to Council through the relevant staff member.

Council Community Committees are one of the three group types that Council endorsed in November 2024 as a new approach to facilitating hearing the diverse voices of our community. The Youth Council and Sister City Committee remained in operation due to the type of engagement and project/program work that the committee is involved in. Membership positions on these two committees are currently full and not actively seeking expressions of interest.

Interested to see what the Youth Council has been involved in? Check out Youth Action Plan 2025-2029 | YourSay.

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