Your vision for a safe community?

What does a safe and connected community look like for you? Tell us in a few words so your vision can be reflected in our draft plan.

Your vision

24 June, 2024

Anon says:

Having Decal QR codes around to report incidents on the spot would also help the call to action straight away for either council-police etc

24 June, 2024

Anon says:

Regular & sporadic foot patrols “moving on, a presence,feeling community safety & the perpetrators uncomfortable” whilst activating the rest

24 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

People feel safe in their own homes, in the local streets, while shopping and accessing local facilities.

24 June, 2024

Alston says:

Smoke free CBD, Police foot and bike patrols, no terrorising kids on bikes hassling people. maybe street security guards like South Africa

24 June, 2024

Alston says:

Smoke free CBD, Police foot and bike patrols, no terrorising kids on bikes hassling people. maybe street security guards like South Africa

21 June, 2024

Anon says:

A safe community is one where everyone feels secure, respected, and protected. Safety is a collective effort.

20 June, 2024

Dom says:

A place where you can walk around with your child and not be worried to be abused or attacked. They can play at the park without needles

20 June, 2024

Fred Upt says:

-no abused from strangers -anti social sleeping around cbd shops, weeing along the roads -feel safe to walk alone without being targeted

20 June, 2024

T says:

Curbing segregationist behaviour in the community - and not only race disputes but socio-economic class differences, too. Dubbo is not “one”

20 June, 2024

fairybread says:

I want to feel safe as a female in the community. Something significant happens to me nearly once a week. And I’m only one person.

20 June, 2024

Melissa Mccarney says:

When I go out in my lunch break with out being harassed

19 June, 2024

L says:

To have a city where anyone can safely walk around at any time of day or night, and where kids can ride their bikes to school

19 June, 2024

Christine says:

Welfare agencies and mental health and support actually doing what they receive tax payers money for -they must be accountable with outcomes

19 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

To be able to walk unsolicited whilst shopping without fear of having my bag snatched or my kids getting a needle stick injury or someone ju

19 June, 2024

pollyW says:

A safe and connected community is one when anyone can walk down our main street and other local areas and feel safe. It's not like that now.

19 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Consultation/ input from all in the community. Youth Hubs. with access to a service. MH, AOD, Counseling. training. sport.

18 June, 2024

Bob says:

It's a place where people feel secure, have access to essential services and there’s a strong sense of trust and support among neighbours.

18 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Respect each other. Respect both private & public property.

18 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

This survey is typical of money wasting government

16 June, 2024

Nolda Craze says:

Need more Police presence and patrols at night 2-6am, to reassure elderly citizens in their own home for safety and security via phone help

14 June, 2024

Rosco says:

Some form of community transport would be good, especially after dark, now there are no Taxi's in town.

14 June, 2024

Andrew says:

Customers and staff of CBD businesses feel safe and not harassed or abused; greater support & intervention for the homeless and vulnerable.

13 June, 2024

Thar says:

Dubbo urban design context seems to be dividing and feel not safe for resident and investors. Just look entire place how resource spread

13 June, 2024

Scared says:

The ability for all to walk our main streets and community spaces feeling safe and to live in our homes without fear of break in and attack