
Call for EOI for the Referendum Panel Event

13 September 2023

To ensure our community is well informed about the Federal Government’s 2023 Referendum in October, Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) will host a Q and A forum on the topic.

The decision to host the forum comes after Councillors resolved to undertake an information program about The Referendum during the August Ordinary Meeting of Council. This resolution included encouraging residents to enrol, where to find information, when to vote and hosting a community based panel event.

DRC wants to make sure everyone in our community has access to the information they need to make an informed decision before they go to the polls on October 14. The event will centre on providing community leaders a panel-style platform to address questions from the community in a facilitated public forum. The panel will include supporters from both the Yes and No viewpoint and be hosted by an independent facilitator.

DRC are currently calling for people who are interested in being part of the panel to register an expression of interest. Community leaders and advocates with both technical and community centred viewpoints are encouraged to apply as we want to make sure our community hears directly from those living in our community.

The Q and A event will be held at the Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre on Tuesday 10 October from 6pm. Community members are encouraged to either register to attend the event or register questions they wish to have answered. The event will also be live-streamed for those who are unable to attend in person. Questions will be reviewed before the event to ensure respectful and moderate discussion.

Anyone interested in registering their interest in being a member of the panel, attending the event or registering a question to assist in panel discussions is invited to visit Your Say page here.