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Engagement Snapshot
Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.
Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) is proposing to align the former Dubbo City Council and Wellington Councils water supply and sewerage services charging structures to a single consistent structure as part of the 2023/2024 Operational Plan and Revenue Policy.
The aim of Water and Sewer Harmonisation is to align the pricing structure to allow for consistency and equity.
At the February 2023 Meeting of Council Councillors resolved to undertake a collaborative style engagement process, with DRC keen to hear from the community about the proposed harmonised rates. The proposed changes will be placed on public exhibition during the month of May along with Council’s Draft Budget, where you will have the opportunity to have your say.
- Existing pricing regimes for Water and Sewerage charges for the former Dubbo City Council and Wellington Council have continued since the merger to allow Council to undertake a comprehensive review.
- Council wants to ensure there is equitable prices for all residents and businesses across the Local Government area.
Council engaged the following external consultants for legislative advice and scenario modelling:
- NSW Public Works
- Morrison Low
Options Considered
- Single tiered water tariff versus inclining water tariff
- Maintain the existing pricing regime and not harmonise
- Harmonise and use a pricing regime based on the former Dubbo City Council
- Approximate typical residential bills advised by NSW Public Works
- Approximate typical residential bills advised by Morrison Low
Preferred Option
- Single tiered water tariff
Objectives of pricing harmonisation include:
- Consider the Best Business Practice Management guidelines for Local Water Utilities.
- Develop uniform tariffs which provide appropriate pricing signals.
- Assess the impact of new tariff options on various customer groups.
- Raise the income required for the long-term financial sustainability of the water/sewer business.
- Achieve efficient water usage as customers face appropriate pricing signals.
Community Consultation Sessions
Water Prices
Supplying water to the community is one of Council’s major activities.
To pay for this supply, Council collects revenue from people who benefit from access and usage of the water supply.
Water prices consist of a fixed water service access charge and volumetric usage charge.
- Access charge: the charge is a fixed annual charge and serves, to recover the costs of providing water services. It is charged depending on water meter connection size and the number of services to the property.
- Usage charge: the charge is applied to the volume of water used by a customer.
Quick Poll
Are you currently connected to Council's water supply?
This poll has concluded.
Comparison of the 2022/2023 financial year pricing structure
Proposed water pricing structure
Sewer Prices
Council’s wastewater (sewer) pricing structure for residential and non residential properties is set to comply with Water NSW best practice pricing guidelines.
- For residential properties – fixed annual access charge only
- For non residential properties – fixed annual access charge based on the size of the water meter connection/s + volumetric usage charge based on the estimated percentage of water returned to the sewerage system. The charge is proportional to the size of the water supply service connected.
Quick Poll
Are you currently connected to Council's sewer supply?
This poll has concluded.
Comparison of the 2022/2023 financial year pricing structure
Proposed sewer pricing structure
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Formal submissions on the Draft 2023/2024 Budget, Operational Plan, Fees & Charges and associated documents to inform Council have now closed.