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Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.


Victoria Park is one of Dubbo’s regional parks and the aging public amenities, constructed in 1975, are outdated and no longer meets current standards or expectations.

In line with our Delivery Program and Operational Plan Council will be undertaking the replacement of the amenities after securing $403,486 from the NSW Government. The new amenity block will be modern and provide safe and compliant facilities to the visitors to the park. The new amenities will complement the new playground and exercise facilities for many years to come.

We are inviting members of the community to vote on their preferred location and configuration of the building to assist in the decision making towards the new amenities.

📍Proposed locations

Proposed locations

Aerial view of Victoria Park

🚽Design and fit out

Proposed inclusions

  • Clear circulation spaces of 900mm x 900mm on either side of the airlock (toilet entry) door
  • 900-920mm width inside the cubicle
  • Full signage specifications in the AS1428.1
  • 45mm long privacy locking snib lock lever
  • 900mm distance between the door swing (if door is swinging inwards) and the toilet pan or 900mm distance between the door opening and the toilet pan (if door is swinging outwards)
  • A coat hook within the cubicle
  • The need for grab rails on each side of the cubicle. Each grab rail must be able to withstand a force of 1100N applied at any position
  • A 610-660mm toilet pan projection from the rear to the front of the toilet pan
  • A 460-480 height range of the toilet pan seat above the finished floor level (the same requirement as an accessible toilet)
  • A toilet roll holder in an accessible location
  • The washbasin for each ambulant toilet must be outside the circulation spaces outlined above
  • A minimum clear opening in the ambulant cubicle doorway of 700mm
  • 2300 x 1900mm clear circulation space.
  • Full signage specifications in the AS1428.1.
  • Water taps have lever handles, sensor plates or similar.
  • Hot on Left, Cold on Right OR Hot on Top, Cold on Bottom.
  • Top of toilet seat to ground should be 460mm – 480mm.
  • Front of toilet bowl to back wall should be 790mm – 810mm.
  • Centre of toilet bowl to side wall should be 450mm – 460mm.
  • Load certified 150kg.
  • Seat contrast 30% luminance contrast to wall/ floor.
  • Lid remains upright when raised.
  • Backrest width should be 350 to 400mm and to have a load capability of 1100N. Backrest height should be 120 to 150mm from seat.
  • Flushing control (back) in zone height 600 to 1100, width 500mm from centre of toilet to non-wall side. Flushing control (side) in zone height 600 to 1100, width centred on 300mm either side of toilet front.
  • Toilet paper holder 700mm from floor and not further than 300mm forward of toilet front.
  • Grab rails behind and to the side at a height of 900 to 1100mm and rising in front to assist person rising.
  • Doors can be hinged or sliding but must be easy to open (less than 20 Newtons).
  • In use indicator / privacy latch with a bolt or catch and easy to grip snib which is at least 45mm from the centre of the spindle.
  • Wash basin to be provided at 800 to 830mm from floor and allow for room underneath for footplate and knee clearance.
  • Mirror width >350mm. Height <900mm from floor and to >1850mm above floor.
  • Shelf adjacent to washbasin as part of vanity or separate fixture.
  • Soap, paper dispensers etc. 900 to 1100mm, one hand operation.
  • Clothes hook located between 1200 to 1350mm from floor.
  • Sanitary unit placed on wall side of toilet (as people use the other side to transfer from the wheelchair).

Consultation and feedback highlighted baby change facilities within the Dubbo Aquatic and Leisure Centre and Western Plains Cultural Centre.

The inclusion of a baby change table can be included within the Accessible Bathroom:

  • Shelf adjacent to washbasin as part of vanity or separate fixture.

There were a number of factors that influenced each location.

Internal stakeholders across Childcare, Open Spaces, Community Services, Infrastructure, and Events were consulted to identify impacts, issues and opportunities regarding the gardens, paths, water & sewer, safety and various ways the public use Victoria Park.

The visual appeal for the new amenities will be considered. The tender process will address the costs for aesthetics.

We acknowledge the connection Victoria has to our community's heritage and history.

Community are encouraged to provide feedback through the survey, which is seeking community's preference to the final aesthetics of the building.

We will make every effort to align our communities needs within the identified funding. Here are a couple of factors that also influence the allocation of funds;

  • New priorities identified through consultation
  • Uncovering new areas of need during delivery
  • Mitigation of other impacts (operational, infrastructure, weather)
  • Location of choice (water supply and sewer alignment)

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Dubbo Regional Council

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