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The Dubbo Transportation Strategy 2020 developed an in-depth analysis of the transport infrastructure required to support future population growth in the city of Dubbo. This analysis included the assessment of population trends and projections, as well as traffic demand from current and future employment zones. The strategy has allowed Council to make informed decisions on what the short term and long term infrastructure priorities are to support the growth of the city of Dubbo.

The strategy has identified significant growth in the West Dubbo population and a South Dubbo Bridge was identified as a significantly important project to support that growth. South Dubbo Bridge will ensure significant delays are avoided at the Whylandra Street and Victoria Street intersection, as well as the LH Ford bridge.

A decision will be made at the September Ordinary Council Meeting on whether to deliver a detailed business case for South Dubbo Bridge alignment Option 2 and 3 in line with the Dubbo Transportation Strategy. The detailed business case will include further detailed design for each option, further assessment of the environmental impacts, as well as detailed traffic modelling to determine the traffic impacts on existing residential streets.

Pending the outcome of September's Ordinary Council Meeting, the delivery of this detailed business case is proposed for the 2024/2025 financial year.


Council received $100,000 from NSW Government for the investigation of a southern bridge crossing.

GHD consultants were engaged and delivered a Strategic Concept Design Report in June 2020. This report identified four route options for a South Dubbo Bridge to manage growth and development within West Dubbo and alleviate traffic congestion.

Balmoral Group Australia prepared and delivered a Strategic Business Case to address the needs of growing population and cost benefit analysis across all options and a stakeholder engagement and management plan.

Council have since resolved to not give further consideration to either option for the following reasons:

  • Option 1: Due to its significant impacts on Sandy Beach.
  • Option 4: It has the lowest benefit cost ratio, due to the significant impact it has on the Lady Cutler Oval sporting precinct. During public consultation, stakeholders indicated that Option 4, which bisects the Lady Cutler Ovals, would have a particularly detrimental effect. Stakeholders especially noted pedestrian safety concerns as a result of high-speed traffic interfering with sports teams. Option 4 also has the most expensive and complex bridge of the remaining options, as the bridge deck is curved and superelevated.

Community consultation conducted to date

  • November 2020 – February 2021: Public exhibition of concept options and strategic business case.
  • On 21 July 2021, South Bridge report was presented to Infrastructure and Liveability Committee, where Option 1 was removed.
  • Proposal to remove Option 4 and proceed with a detailed business case for Option 2 and 3 was presented to Executive Leadership Team on 29 March 2023 and subsequently presented via two Council workshops on 4 May and 25 May 2023.

Projects that relate to the Dubbo Transportation Strategy 2020

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