
Dubbo Regional Council is preparing a draft Development Control Plan to guide further development at Hennessy Drive, Dubbo (Lot 103 DP1286114). The draft DCP incorporates the following components, and complements the provisions of the existing Dubbo DCP 2013:

  • Residential subdivision controls
  • Residential design controls
  • Residential landscaping controls

This draft DCP shall be read in conjunction with other relevant provisions of the Dubbo DCP 2013, but will prevail in the event of any inconsistency.

The draft DCP is on public exhibition until 9am, Monday 5 June 2023. Physical copies of the documents can be viewed in person at Council’s Customer Experience Centres or Macquarie Regional Library branches.

Written or electronic submissions are invited during the public exhibition period.

Submission Process

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft Policy.