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Regand Park is envisioned as a vibrant parkland that offers a range of active and passive recreation opportunities. More intensive uses are focused towards the north at Tamworth Street, while further south the park maintains an emphasis on environmental regeneration and passive recreation.

Funding is currently under application for the following elements identified in the map below;

  • South Dubbo Weir picnic area - (7)
  • Internal road & trail network - (2)
  • River Red Gum planting - (4)
  • Leash Free Area, relocated from (23) to (11)

To bring these elements of the approved master plan into action, our team will embark on a comprehensive design and scoping process. This will enable us to gain a thorough understanding of the project and develop a detailed project plan for its realisation.

We will continue to seek further funding opportunities to deliver on elements outlined within Area 4 of the South Dubbo Precinct.

Our engagement activities with the community will be ongoing to enhance understanding and awareness of projects as they become realised.

Funded for delivery


Council have dedicated an area of approximately ¾ hectare, as a dog leash free area, further enhancing the vision of a vibrant parkland in the Regand Park Precinct, which forms part of the Macquarie River Master Plan North and South Precinct. The leash free area will provide dog owners a safe and secure environment for them to exercise their dogs.

The leash free area is designed to feature a separated large and small dog space, sheltered areas, a water station, airlock access gates and solar lighting to allow pet owners to fully experience leash free leisure with their pets.  


Council have allowed a budget of $47,000 for initial site works of the leash free area, pending a successful grant application.

Scope of Works

These initial works will include site preparation, installation of irrigation and erection of fencing and are proposed, with commencement date to be scheduled.

Additional funding will need to be identified to deliver the full concept and design. Council will continue to seek funding opportunities to realise the full concept and design and will keep the community informed if these become available.

The Leash Free Area design forms part of the Macquarie River Master Plan Regand Park South Precinct, ongoing consultation is underway with feedback open until the 9am, 12 February 2024 on the Leash Free Area.

+follow this page to be kept up to date on the progress of the Regand Park

Initial site works are proposed to commence in March 2024 and will continue throughout the delivery of the Regand Park South Precinct Master Plan Delivery as further funding is identified.

Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.

⭐ 4 | Tree Planting

Project updates

April 2024

Tree planting

Proposed to commence

⭐ 2 | Internal road & trail network

Project updates

October 2023

Geotechnical Assessments

Geotechnical assessment of the ground conditions will be completed to help inform the design of the internal road and trails.

September 2023

Peg Placement

The pegs were placed to identify the layout of the proposed internal roadway and trail network.

⭐ 7 | South Dubbo Weir Picnic Area

Project updates

September & October 2023

Community event

Community were invited to attend site walk throughs with staff and councillors.

29 September 2023

Click here to view details.

5 October 2023

Click here to view details.

October 2023

Design & Scope

Final design and scope underway to determine the layout of shelters, picnic areas and amenities to assist in the development of picnic area.

Funding under application

Council has applied for $396,000 through the NSW State Governments Local Small Commitment Allocation grant for the development of a picnic area, leash free area and river red gum planting at the South Dubbo.

Community event highlights

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Phone (02) 6801 4000
In writing

P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

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