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Growth Planning is publicly exhibiting a draft Planning Agreement with The Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Bathurst that relates to Joira Road, Dubbo (Lot 10 and 11 DP1142232).
The objectives of the Planning Agreement are:
- the developer will transfer 1,196m2 of land along the Minore Road frontage to Council for the purposes of road widening
- the developer will receive a credit of $229,125.91 under the provisions of Council’s Section 94 Contributions Plan for Open Space and Recreation Facilities (2016-2026) on the basis that Lot 11 DP1142232 was gifted to Council in 2004
- the developer will pay development contributions of $100,366.67 to Council under the provisions of Council’s Section 94 Contributions Plan for Open Space and Recreation Facilities (2016-2026), which will be used to embellish Lot 11 DP1142232
The draft Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note are on public exhibition until 9am, Monday 10 July 2023.
Council approved a development application for a 59 lot residential subdivision of Lot 10 DP1142232 on 11 August 2022.
Lot 11 DP1142232, which is approximately 4 hectares, was ‘gifted’ to Council in 2004. This land is zoned RE1 Public Recreation under the provisions of the Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan 2022.
Council adopted the Dubbo City Transportation Strategy in October 2021. This Strategy includes a proposal for the widening of Minore Road up to the Joira Road intersection. The developer has taken this into account in the design of their subdivision.
A Planning Agreement is an agreement entered into between Council and a developer where the developer agrees to fund public amenities or infrastructure, dedicate land at no cost to Council, or provide monetary contributions or any other material public benefit, for a public purpose.
In accordance with Division 7.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, a public purpose includes any of the following:
- The provision of public amenities or services;
- The provision of affordable housing;
- The provision of transport or other infrastructure relating to land;
- The funding or recurrent expenditure relating to the provision of public amenities or public services, affordable housing or transport or other infrastructure;
- The monitoring of the planning impacts of development;
- The conservation or enhancement of the natural environment.
The use of Planning Agreements has increased as a result of their flexibility in allowing councils to capture public benefits outside the infrastructure contributions system.
The Towards 2040 Community Strategic Plan is a vision for the development of the region out to the year 2040. The Plan includes six principle themes and a number of objectives and strategies. This report is aligned to:
Theme: 2 Infrastructure
Objective: 2.2 Infrastructure meets the current and future needs of our community
Delivery Program Strategy: 2.2.5 Council maintains infrastructure and delivers services at the adopted service levels as agreed with the community
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft Planning Agreement.