
Priority heavy patching repairs have been identified across 4 key locations in Dubbo for the coming 2 weeks. These locations have been identified due to the badly damaged or deformed road conditions caused by adverse weather impacts, increased traffic numbers or age of the pavement.

The works may include the following stages:

  • The existing road surface is crushed, and the pavement gravel is pulverised by road reclaimer machinery.
  • Then a binder is added for strength, and the pavement is watered and re-compacted before the new surface is trimmed and a seal is applied.

The road team will work across all locations systematically. Residents are advised to follow any traffic management signs in place, and follow directions if you encounter Stop and go signage. Digital signs notifying drivers of works are in place at Tamworth Street and Boundary Road work sites.

We understand there may be local impacts that will include bin collection and the return of school traffic. Impacted residents have been notified with a Courtesy Notice for each location, please refer to our document library for more details.

Schedule of works

Stage 1 (Existing road surface)

The existing road surface is overlayed with binder and is then mixed into the gravel pavement. The gravel is then recompacted and shaped to match the adjoining road pavement. This work will take place across all 4 sites for approximately 7 days.

Stage 2 (Re-sealing of new road surface)

The prepared road base will be trimmed and sealed to finalise works. This work will take place across all 4 sites for approximately 7 days.

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