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Residents living in the areas surrounding Arthurville, Yeoval, and Walma have been informed about the improvement works that will take place along Eulalie Lane, covering a total distance of 9.2 kilometres. Eulalie Lane provides a vital connection to residents and motorists in the area, linking Yeoval district via Walmer to Terrabella and the nearby villages of Geurie and Ballimore.

The road primarily serves residents and associated rural and freight haulage. These works aim to enhance road safety and provide all-weather access for motorists. As the works progress, traffic conditions will reflect the stages of the works being undertaken.

We recognise that there may be potential delays and inconvenience as traffic is managed through the worksite. To ensure public safety, traffic control measures will be in place. Further details regarding stages 2 and 3 will be confirmed after additional funding is secured. The first stage of the project, covering 2.48 kilometres, will commence in early March 2024.

Stage 1

Stage one of the Eulalie Lane pavement works project covers a 2.48 km stretch of road located 4.6 kilometers south of the intersection of Sun Top Road and Arthurville Road.

Works will be conducted on the existing road reserve, with an estimated duration of eight weeks, subject to weather conditions.

Commencing from 4 March 2024, traffic control measures will be in place to ensure smooth traffic flow through the worksite, maintaining access for both vehicles and pedestrians.

Stage one works include

  • Widen and seal the existing 6 meter unsealed road to 9.2 meters
  • Install new centrelines, reflective raised pavement markers, signage, and guideposts
  • Installing new Pipe and box Culverts which will improve the Stormwater Discharge drains and that allows water to freely flow under various obstructions

Stage 2 & 3

Stage 2 & 3 of the project involves sealing the remaining 6.7 km of road at a future date to be confirmed when funding is identified. +Follow this page for project updates.

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