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Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.

Understanding our strategy is the key to your voice being heard

We are seeking feedback on our Draft Community Engagement Strategy, including Community Participation Plan. This strategy is a roadmap for creating and maintaining positive relationships and effective engagement with our community. It strives to embed best practice consultation across Council now and into the future.

Council must ensure the opinions of our community are heard by seeking feedback on our plans, significant projects, developments, and proposals. We must also inform our community about what we do and how it might affect them.

We are committed to engaging with our community in a transparent, open, and accountable way.

This Draft Community Engagement Strategy, including Community Participation Plan provides the framework for proactive, ongoing engagement that builds trust and understanding in our community.

The development of the Community Engagement Strategy extends to its Community Participation Plan, which defines how we engage with the community on statutory and strategic planning and development matters, such as planning proposals and development applications. The strategy has been prepared to provide a consistent approach and best practice across all engagement streams.

We invite you to read the draft Community Engagement Strategy, and understand that page 9, has been deliberately left blank, this is where your feedback will go. By providing your feedback we will include quotes and feedback from the community to ensure it reflects two-way partnership.

Community engagement is the process of involving people in the decisions that affect their lives and environment. It is proactive and ongoing, promoting open discussion and shared responsibilities for decisions.

Council recognises that people have a right to be informed and to have a say on projects that are important to them or may impact their daily lives. Community engagement gives council a better understanding of community views and values, and help us make more informed decisions and deliver better services.

Participating in community engagement contributes to improving the quality of life for those living in the Dubbo Regional Local Government Area (LGA) and has a direct impact on Council planning, facilities management and service delivery.

It can be rewarding and beneficial experience.

As part of Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework the activities of Council are guided at a strategic level by the Community Strategic Plan, known as Towards 2040. This Plan outlines community’s long term vision for the region, and it is supported by a rolling four year delivery program and one year operational plan.

Towards 2040 includes several priorities relevant to this engagement strategy, including:

Objective 4.1Council provides transparent, fair and accountable leadership and governance

Strategy 4.1.1 Council encourages and facilitates two-way communication with and between stakeholders and the community

Strategy 4.1.2 – Council’s decision making processes are open, transparent and accountable.

The 2022/2023 Delivery Program and Operational Plan identified the preparation and

implementation of a Community Engagement Strategy that recognises engagement requirements when developing plans, policies and programs to ensure this framework is in line with contemporary community expectations.

How we engage

  • Engaging in person

    Engagement or participation is not only about having your say, it is also about listening to others to understand their point of view. In person engagement activities allow an opportunity for discussion.

  • Engaging online

    Online communication and engagement continues to grow and can allow people who may otherwise be excluded from in person engagement activities to have their say.

  • Engaging through traditional methods

    There is still a need and appetite for traditional methods of engagements. Traditional methods include print publications, direct mail and onsite or physical displays and signage.

📋 Online Survey

📊 Poll

We want to be effective and efficient in our engagement efforts!

What engagement channels do you think Council should put more resources into?

This poll has concluded.

  • Council website
    0% (0 votes)
  • Over the phone
    0% (0 votes)
  • Newspapers
    0% (0 votes)
  • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube)
    0% (0 votes)
  • E-newsletters/subscriptions
    0% (0 votes)
  • In person - casual (information booths, drop-in sessions, community engagement network at events and local market stalls)
    50% (1 vote)
  • In person - formal (facilitated information sessions, round tables, presentations)
    0% (0 votes)
  • Your Say - Council's Engagement Portal (online)
    50% (1 vote)
Total Votes: 2

✍ Formal Submission

Written Submissions should be addressed to:


Dubbo Regional Council

PO Box 81, Dubbo NSW 2830

Written submissions will be formally acknowledged in writing and must reference File 23/125.

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft Policy.

❓ Ask a question

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Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

Moderation Policy

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Strategy Partnerships & Engagement

Growth Planning

Building and Development Services

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What will happen next? ....

Once the draft Community Engagement Strategy, including Community Participation Plan (CPP) closes for feedback, we will collate and consider all responses as we finalise Council's Community Engagement Strategy.

Feedback from the community and any recommendations for change will be presented to Council for approval and adoption at a future Ordinary Council Meeting.

The newly adopted Community Engagement Strategy, including CPP will be published on Council's website, and here on our YourSay page, along with an updated engagement snap shot, including what we heard and what changes were implemented in response to feedback.

Once adopted, the Community Engagement Strategy will guide Council's engagement practices and activities to support informed decision making.

Contact Us

Phone (02) 6801 4000
In writing

P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

Social Media